Hi, I have a table that looks like this: //But I want it to do this:
[Names ][Scores] [Score][Name Associated with
[John Smith][ 25 ] [ 45 ][ Mick
Foley ]
[ Bill Mann ][ 32 ] [ 32 ][ Bill
Mann ]
[Mick Foley ][ 45 ] [ 25 ][ John
Smith ]
You see what I am try to accomplish by formula is sorting the names by
score. The score must remain with the score, this is where i am having
problems. I have tried Vlookup but to no avail. This list of names and scores
must allow for insertions of other scores and names while keeping the highest
score always on top...I know it is alot to ask but could someone please tell
me what I am doing wrong or just how to do it at all....If this is possible I
would appreciate the responses.
Thank you very much.-Levi