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Miles Per Hour

  1. #1

    Miles Per Hour


    I'm a walker and I like to keep track of my miles and times. I'd like to be
    able to use excel to figure my miles per hour. I keep track of the miles in a
    number format..i.e. 8.67 miles. And I keep track of my total times in a time
    format...i.e. 2:15:13. This would be 2 hours 15 minutes & 13 Seconds.

    I have no idea how to set up this formula. Any suggestions would be greatly

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by WalkerDude999

    I'm a walker and I like to keep track of my miles and times. I'd like to be
    able to use excel to figure my miles per hour. I keep track of the miles in a
    number format..i.e. 8.67 miles. And I keep track of my total times in a time
    format...i.e. 2:15:13. This would be 2 hours 15 minutes & 13 Seconds.

    I have no idea how to set up this formula. Any suggestions would be greatly
    If miles are in cell A1 and Time is in cell B1, in cell C1 enter

    = A1/B1/24.

    After entering the formula use Format > Cells > Number to change the format of cell C1 to something other than Date/Time.

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