


Peo Sjoblom


"Valerie" <Valerie@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Hello, All!
> I'm having trouble getting this formula to work:
> {SUMPRODUCT(--(WBS!$A$2:$A$423=$A46)*(--(WBS!$B$2:$B$423=$F46)*WBS!$E$2:$E$423))}
> 1st section is comparing a text field
> 2nd section is comparing a number field
> 3rd section is asking for a result of a text field
> I tried separating the sections to determine which is producing the error
> and I don't receive an error message, although the numbers they produced
> didn't appear to be the correct location of the WBS sheet. I need it to
> compare two columns to determine the correct cell to pull since there are
> duplicates in both columns but with the criteria from both columns, the
> line
> is unique.
> I did import these from an SAP download, but have replaced formatting with
> correct formatting by pulling value of the text into a new column with
> VALUE() formula then pasting value.
> What am I missing?