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Displaying unique entries from a filtered list

  1. #1

    Displaying unique entries from a filtered list


    I'm working with a large database (5400 rows by 15 columns) of data,
    some text. I need to be able to display only unique entries after a
    list has been filtered for nonblanks.

    Eg. I filter a list and it gives me:
    Interior Maintenance
    Interior Maintenance

    I want to be able to create a list of the unique positions after the
    filter, which will say

    Interior Maintenance

    Thanks so much,
    S Davis

  2. #2
    Rob Hick

    Re: Displaying unique entries from a filtered list

    check out this on Chip's website:

  3. #3

    Re: Displaying unique entries from a filtered list

    Thanks for the answer. I've seen that somewhere in my travels before,
    and while its useful, I actually need this to be applicable AFTER a
    list has been filtered for nonblank cells. Filesize is an issue so I am
    trying to avoid a lot of unnecessary formulas resulting in blank cells.

    I can make the above work however by starting it at the first displayed
    row (in my case, d4597), as the data will be changing a lot overtime it
    needs to be rather brainless.

  4. #4
    Gord Dibben

    Re: Displaying unique entries from a filtered list

    Data>Filter>Advanced Filter

    Check "unique records only" and "copy to another location".

    See Debra Dalgleish's site for full instructions.


    Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

    On 26 Apr 2006 10:07:28 -0700, theseandavis@gmail.com wrote:

    >I'm working with a large database (5400 rows by 15 columns) of data,
    >some text. I need to be able to display only unique entries after a
    >list has been filtered for nonblanks.
    >Eg. I filter a list and it gives me:
    >Interior Maintenance
    >Interior Maintenance
    >I want to be able to create a list of the unique positions after the
    >filter, which will say
    >Interior Maintenance
    >Thanks so much,
    >S Davis

    Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

  5. #5

    Re: Displaying unique entries from a filtered list

    I'm afraid that doesn't work too well either.

    I do need something quite hands off. This is a model for a client.
    Seperate worksheets have been setup that autofilter out irrelvant
    entries based off a base datapile of 5400 entries. Each sheet displays
    certain values, and I want to be able to summarize at the bottom of the
    page FROM the automatically filtered list. Every few weeks a new base
    data pile will be put in and everything will change, so the approach
    needs to be formulaic. Im thinking it may not be possible, but here's
    hoping :crosses fingers:

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