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Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

  1. #1

    Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

    I know this is over my head and I am not sure Excel is the right
    program, but I have had luck in the past with this group and figured
    someone more knowledgable than me would know if it is or isn't
    possible. What I have is some Categories that are made up of
    subcategories and there is data associated with these subcategories,
    such as # of people in each of these subcategories under the
    categories. What I want to do is make the subcategories the categories
    and the categories the subcategories under these new categories with
    the appropriate data attached to the categories. Let me explain.

    I have data like that below.

    Soccer team (column A)
    (column B has the grade and column c has the # of kids)
    3rd grade - 10 people
    4th grade - 20 people
    7th grade - 15 people

    Baseball team (column A)
    (column B has the grade and column c has the # of kids)
    4th grade - 5 people
    7th grade - 10 people

    I know want to run a formula in excel that will automatically give me
    the following results.

    3rd grade
    Soccer team - 10 people

    4th grade
    Soccer team - 20 people
    Baseball team - 5 people

    7th grade
    Soccer team - 15 people
    Baseball team - 10 people

    ***note this is not the actual data I am flipping but it would work the
    same exact way. It wouldn't be a big deal except that I have many many
    pages of this and it takes me a couple hours to manipulate this.

    Thanks in advance for the help. Please steer me in the right

  2. #2
    Barb Reinhardt

    Re: Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

    You could probably do this with a pivot table. I'd explain it more, but I'm
    pretty tired and will probably mess up the explanation. Someone else may
    be able to help there.

    <conorfinnegan@gmail.com> wrote in message
    >I know this is over my head and I am not sure Excel is the right
    > program, but I have had luck in the past with this group and figured
    > someone more knowledgable than me would know if it is or isn't
    > possible. What I have is some Categories that are made up of
    > subcategories and there is data associated with these subcategories,
    > such as # of people in each of these subcategories under the
    > categories. What I want to do is make the subcategories the categories
    > and the categories the subcategories under these new categories with
    > the appropriate data attached to the categories. Let me explain.
    > I have data like that below.
    > Soccer team (column A)
    > (column B has the grade and column c has the # of kids)
    > 3rd grade - 10 people
    > 4th grade - 20 people
    > 7th grade - 15 people
    > Baseball team (column A)
    > (column B has the grade and column c has the # of kids)
    > 4th grade - 5 people
    > 7th grade - 10 people
    > I know want to run a formula in excel that will automatically give me
    > the following results.
    > 3rd grade
    > Soccer team - 10 people
    > 4th grade
    > Soccer team - 20 people
    > Baseball team - 5 people
    > 7th grade
    > Soccer team - 15 people
    > Baseball team - 10 people
    > ***note this is not the actual data I am flipping but it would work the
    > same exact way. It wouldn't be a big deal except that I have many many
    > pages of this and it takes me a couple hours to manipulate this.
    > Thanks in advance for the help. Please steer me in the right
    > direction.

  3. #3

    Re: Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

    I know I could do this with a pivot table but didn't know if there were
    actual formulas that I could possibly run. Thanks for the suggestion

  4. #4
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

    I'm fairly certain a Pivot Table will easily handle your request.

    Here's how to start:
    <Data><Pivot Table>
    Use: Excel
    Select your data
    Click the [Layout] button

    Drag the Team field here
    Drag the Grade field below Team
    Drag the Members field below the Grade field

    DATA: Drag the People field here
    If it doesn't list as Count of Members...dbl-click it and set it to Count
    Click [OK]

    Select where you want the Pivot Table...and you're done!

    That will list each Grades and Members by Team and the count of Members.

    To switch to the second view
    Click the Pivot Table Wizard button
    Click the [Layout] button
    Drag the Grade field to above the Team field

    Now you have Teams and Members listed by Grade

    For an excellent tutorial on Pivot Tables, see MVP Debra Dalgleish's
    contribution to Chip Pearson's website:

    Does that help?


    XL2002, WinXP-Pro

    "conorfinnegan@gmail.com" wrote:

    > I know this is over my head and I am not sure Excel is the right
    > program, but I have had luck in the past with this group and figured
    > someone more knowledgable than me would know if it is or isn't
    > possible. What I have is some Categories that are made up of
    > subcategories and there is data associated with these subcategories,
    > such as # of people in each of these subcategories under the
    > categories. What I want to do is make the subcategories the categories
    > and the categories the subcategories under these new categories with
    > the appropriate data attached to the categories. Let me explain.
    > I have data like that below.
    > Soccer team (column A)
    > (column B has the grade and column c has the # of kids)
    > 3rd grade - 10 people
    > 4th grade - 20 people
    > 7th grade - 15 people
    > Baseball team (column A)
    > (column B has the grade and column c has the # of kids)
    > 4th grade - 5 people
    > 7th grade - 10 people
    > I know want to run a formula in excel that will automatically give me
    > the following results.
    > 3rd grade
    > Soccer team - 10 people
    > 4th grade
    > Soccer team - 20 people
    > Baseball team - 5 people
    > 7th grade
    > Soccer team - 15 people
    > Baseball team - 10 people
    > ***note this is not the actual data I am flipping but it would work the
    > same exact way. It wouldn't be a big deal except that I have many many
    > pages of this and it takes me a couple hours to manipulate this.
    > Thanks in advance for the help. Please steer me in the right
    > direction.

  5. #5

    Re: Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

    > ... Debra Dalgleish's
    > contribution to Chip Pearson's website:

    Think it's Jon Peltier's site, not Chip's <g>

  6. #6

    Re: Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

    <conorfinnegan@gmail.com> wrote
    > .. but didn't know if there were
    > actual formulas that I could possibly run.

    Perhaps a close-fit formulas approach ?

    Assume source data is in sheet: X,
    within A2:C100, eg:

    Soccer 3rd grade 10 people
    Soccer 4th grade 20 people
    Soccer 7th grade 15 people
    Baseball 4th grade 5 people
    Baseball 7th grade 10 people

    Col A = sports
    Col B = grade
    Col C = people

    (Data is assumed all text, placed in X
    via sequential copy>pasting from all sheets.
    Order of pasting is immaterial.)

    Then in another sheet: Y,

    Assume listed across in B1, C1, D1, ... are the grades:
    3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade

    and listed down in A2, A3, ... are the sports:
    Soccer, Baseball, ..

    Put in B2, array-enter (press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):

    Copy B2 across and fill down to populate

    Since we're doing text matching here, to increase robustness,
    TRIM(..) has been wrapped everywhere

  7. #7

    Re: Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

    Perhaps a quick sample to illustrate:

  8. #8
    Ron Coderre

    Re: Switching Subcategories into Categories and Vice Versa

    YIKES! Absolutley correct, Max! ...and *Peltier* is right in the beginning of
    the URL I posted: (http://peltiertech.com/Excel/Pivots/pivotstart.htm)

    My apologies for the mix-up.


    XL2002, WinXP-Pro

    "Max" wrote:

    > > ... Debra Dalgleish's
    > > contribution to Chip Pearson's website:

    > Think it's Jon Peltier's site, not Chip's <g>
    > --
    > Max
    > Singapore
    > http://savefile.com/projects/236895
    > xdemechanik
    > ---

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