Hi there, first time user here.

I am looking for some help with a personal worksheet I am creating to control stock of medication by usage. What I need help on is that I have an initial value in a cell (stock level) and I need to add to it the value of another cell (supply) in such a way that stock level now reflects the new value and increases as a new value is entered in the supply field and decreases based on a value (daily usage) in another cell. The spreadsheet has to hold the new stock level as the current value each time the document is opened and amended.

B3 (stock level) initial value is 20.
B4 (supply) is 4 value added to B3
B3 (stock level) value now 24
B5 (daily usage) -3 value deducted from B3
B3 (stock level) now 21
B4 (supply) changed to 6 value added to B3
B3 (stock level) now 29

I don't know enough about advanced formulas or scripting to get the worksheet to do what I need it to do. It has to be able to run in excel as I need to carry the worksheet around in a PDA.

If anyone can decipher what I am looking for and can advise a solution it would be VERY appreciated.