"nutmeg@questions.com" wrote:
> .. allow the users to be able to pick multiple items
> from a drop down list. I have tried using a form combo box
> but needed to put more than one on the sheet to get the
> results. Can this be done with a 'list box' and if so, how.
> I have tried by putting one one and selecting 'multi'
> but it won't select properly.

Some googled thoughts which may help ..:

By Debra Dalgleish:

" .. You can do this with programming.
There's a sample file here:
Under Data Validation,
look for 'Select Multiple Items from Dropdown List' "

By Dave Peterson:

> I created a list box, and want to allow a user to select multiple items

within the cell. Is there a way to do that?

... Is the listbox on a worksheet?

If yes, is the listbox from the Forms toolbar?
Then rightclick on the listbox and choose: format control
Then on the Control tab, choose Multi in the selection type frame.

If the listbox is from the control toolbox toolbar, then
go into design mode (another icon on that control toolbox toolbar
Rightclick on the listbox, choose properties
Change the .multiselect property to 1 - fmMultiSelectMulti

By Ton Teuns:

> .. created a list box which enables multiple selections.

want to know how you can set up a cell link to return the selected values.
This is easily done on a single selection list box by using cell link, but I
understand that you have to program a command in VBA to do this for a
multiple selection list box.

This code is an example of how to do the job.

Sub Tester()
Dim i As Integer, li As Integer

li = 1
With Listbox1
For li = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(li) = True Then
Cells(1, 1).Offset(0, i) = .List(li)
i = i + 1
End If
Next li
End With
End Sub
