You can create a userdefined function that returns true or false if the cell
contains a formula:
Option Explicit
Function HasFormula(rng As Range) As Boolean
Set rng = rng.Cells(1)
HasFormula = rng.HasFormula
End Function
Then you can include that test in your formula:
If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:
qwopzxnm wrote:
> Max and Pete thank you both for your replies.
> Max - Your method works great however if I continue to add formulas to
> the worksheet I would need to keep repeating this each time. Is ther a
> way to automate this so that if I add a formula to a cell it will
> automatically format the text?
> Pete - To use conditional formatting, what formula works best to test
> if a cell is a formula or not?
> --
> qwopzxnm
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Dave Peterson