Hi All,
Here's my problem. I know a bit about formula's on excel but this one has
got me stumped. For example: I have to different shops with many different
locations. The locations are in different cells to the shops.
Here's an Example
Each line is classed as 1 incident
ASDA Wigan
ASDA Skelmersdale
ALDI Wigan
ALDI Skelmersdale
I need to know how many occurences of asda wigan and aldi wigan. When i use
the =countif formula it deducts the answer from the first sum and uses it for
the second sum. I have hears of a way of entering a formula that tells me the
answer. I think it was something to do with asking asda = 1 where
skelmersdale occurs and asda = 1 where wigan occurs. Then the same for all
the others.
Please Help.
Phil Jenkins