Hi.Can anybody help me to solve this problem with hlookup function?

I have a worksheet with students' midterm grade.The instructor would like to see what would be the impact of using a Progressive Curve on the Midterm grade.
If student misses Exam and has a zero – then keep it at zero
If student has a grade 1-119 points, increase their grade by 25 points
If student has a grade 120-125 points, increase their grade by 20 points
If student has a grade 126-131 points, increase their grade by 16 points
If student has a grade 132-139 points, increase their grade by 14 points
If student has a grade 140-145 points, increase their grade by 12 points
If student has a grade 146-153 points, increase their grade by 10 points
If student has a grade 154-159 points, increase their grade by 8 points
If student has a grade 160-165 points, increase their grade by 6 points
If student has a grade 166-173 points, increase their grade by 4 points
If student has a grade 174-179 points, increase their grade by 3 points
If student has a grade 180-185 points, increase their grade by 2 points
If student has a grade 186-200 points, increase their grade by 1 point

Thanks a lot!