To find the current/next Monday
will return 03/27/06 today and tomorrow 04/03/06
If you want current/previous Monday
btw is there a reason you put today() in B2 and not directly in the formula?
Peo Sjoblom
"nmorse" <> wrote in
> So, I thought I had this down - but started up the file today only to
> find that the date is a week off... I don't know why - it was fine all
> last week.
> Here's the formula I have currently:
> Code:
> --------------------
> =B2+(WEEKDAY(B2)=N2)*7-WEEKDAY(B2)+N2
> --------------------
> Where N2 is the number 2 (for Monday) and B2 is
> Code:
> --------------------
> today()
> --------------------
> .
> What I'm trying to get it to do is, based on B2, say that this
> particular log is for the entire week beginning Monday, March 27th.
> Then, on Monday April 3rd, it would turn to say "for the week beginning
> Monday April 3rd", etc.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> --
> nmorse
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