That's great! Thank you very much, I certainly wouldn't have got to that one!
Many thanks for your help, Neil

"Gizmo63" wrote:

> Hey, that was an interesting challenge, especially the lower but here you go:
> To evaluate A1:
> Upper value:
> =LEN(TEXT(INT(ABS(A1)),0))-1
> Lower value:
> =LEN(RIGHT(TEXT(ABS(A1)-INT(ABS(A1)),"General"),LEN(TEXT(ABS(A1)-INT(ABS(A1)),"General"))-IF(ISERROR(FIND(".",TEXT(ABS(A1)-INT(ABS(A1)),"General"),1)),1,FIND(".",TEXT(ABS(A1)-INT(ABS(A1)),"General"),1))))
> Giz
> "Neil Goldwasser" wrote:
> > Hi! Does anybody know of a function/series of functions that could determine
> > the upper & lower place value of a cell value?
> >
> > E.g. the highest place value used in 123.4 is the hundreds column, and the
> > lowest is the tenths column. Whereas the highest in 12.34 is the tens column
> > and the lowest is the hundreths column.
> >
> > The output would probably be best if it was numerical relative to the
> > decimal point, as is used in the ROUND functions (number of decimal places
> > used), e.g.
> >
> > units column = 0
> >
> > tenths column = 1 (1 d.p.)
> > hundredths column = 2 (2.d.p)
> > etc...
> > and going the other way (with the result being a negative number, so
> > denoting a place value to the LEFT of the decimal point)
> >
> > tens column = -1
> > hundreds column = -2
> > etc...
> >
> > I'd be really grateful if anybody could solve this puzzle for me.
> > Many thanks in advance, Neil