Thank you Dave! Just what I needed!!! Deleting the module 1 and module 2
files did the trick. We have put up with this annoying function for 2 years.
Bossman will be happy!

"Dave Peterson" wrote:

> Debra Dalgleish shows how to clean up all the remnants of macros:
> gevans wrote:
> >
> > I have a very large spreadsheet that gets copied every month as a new
> > template. Somewhere along the line it has aquired a "ghost" macro. It
> > causes the "macro alert" warning to come up everytime the spreadsheet is
> > opened. Under the menu item for macros, there are none listed for this
> > spreadsheet. There are no links to outside sheets. How do I find and delete
> > the ghost macros?
> > --
> > gevans

> --
> Dave Peterson