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How do I use a referenced cell's formula instead of formula output?

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    Angry How do I use a referenced cell's formula instead of formula output?

    I have a rather large workbook that has several sheets of supporting data that gets pulled into a report sheet for an individual business unit. The report sheet uses data validation to create a dropdown list of business units then imports data to the report based on the selection and then that data is run through formulas for compilation. The problem I have now is that my highers want a rollup report of all of the business units on one page and I want to reference the formula's on the report sheet not the formula output. Using a normal cell reference, my rollup output changes when a different business unit is selected on the main page.


    Sheet1 formula referenced is:

    output for business unit(BU)1 is: 77
    output for BU2 is: 94

    sheet2 formula is:

    and it's output changes when the BU selection changes.

    I want sheet2's formula to reference the sheet1 formula not the sheet1 output. The main reason I want this is that this book is a work in progress and the sheet1 formula's will change and I want those changes to carry through the the rollup report.

    Thank you for any assistance.

    Last edited by Farrelltw; 02-11-2006 at 10:29 AM.

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