Hmmm... having only 10 words as a subject to describe this problem seems
rather limiting. Come on, Microsoft, let me have 15 words!

I want to use Excel functions to compare multiple columns for mismatch of
cell contents. I spoent a lot of time using Excel Help for functions like
VLOOKUP and IF, with no luck. I assume there is a functional solution, but I
could not figure it out in an hour. These are not easy functions for me to

The TASK: compare name (text) AND a number in a set of columns with similar
(but not exact) info in another set of columns. I want to be able to have a
text string (ex: "Not in Bonus column") AS WELL AS a notation like "Number
There are more entries in one set of columns than another.

After much research, and trial & error, I was unsuccessful using a single
function to get the desired results.

I tried consolidating the text & number information in an additional column
using this formula: =B403&" "&F403 - info was in columns B & F

Then, I used: =VLOOKUP(BI402,$G$10:$H$433,1,FALSE) to compare the
consolidated info. The result was showing as, "#N/A", but it did not
distinguish between a mismatch of cell contents, or if matching information
was missing from a column.

Can you help me with this?

Mark D.
Boston, MA