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Limit drop down list and linking to other info

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Intuit Limit drop down list and... 02-01-2006, 12:33 PM
Intuit Also, I would like to... 02-01-2006, 03:23 PM
Guest Re: Limit drop down list and... 02-01-2006, 03:45 PM
Intuit I think I understand it 02-01-2006, 04:51 PM
Guest Re: Limit drop down list and... 02-01-2006, 08:45 PM
Intuit One more challenge 02-02-2006, 10:42 AM
  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Limit drop down list and linking to other info

    Hello again. I received some excellent assistance from paul B last time I was here and am hoping to get some help again. I have set up a spreadsheet that requires info to be inputted into cells. I have created drop down lists in the cells to only allow certain information to be inputted. I would like to do a couple things but can't figure out how or even how to look it up in help. I would like to:

    Allow user to use a drop down list and pick the appropriate entry, then have another drop down list in the adjacent cell that only contains items that correspond to what the first drop down entry was (i.e. company name in first drop down box, adjacent cell drop down list only contains parts made for that company). Then I would like the next column to contain the pricing of the item that was chosen in the previous cell's drop down box. Ideally, this cell would be populated automatically depending on the part chosen for the company. I am trying to create a log of parts shipped and total amount shipped. Hopefully this wasn't too confusing! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Also, I would like to populate the lists automatically

    Also, I would like to populate the lists automatically.

  3. #3

    Re: Limit drop down list and linking to other info


    Here's a minimal sample file that demonstrates one way to do this:


    Make a list of the unique company names and use that list as the source for
    the company drop down. In the sample file that list is in the range G2:G6.

    Make a 3 column table that lists the company name, part numbers and price.

    The source for the dependent drop down for the part numbers is derived from
    the above list. Select cell B2 then goto Data>Validation. You'll see the
    formula that is used to create the range for the dependent drop down.

    Then use a simple Vlookup to get the price. I guess it's possible for
    multiple companies to have the same part numbers. If you find that that's
    the case we need to use a different formula to get the price.


    "Intuit" <Intuit.22k74a_1138811703.603@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:Intuit.22k74a_1138811703.603@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > Hello again. I received some excellent assistance from paul B last time
    > I was here and am hoping to get some help again. I have set up a
    > spreadsheet that requires info to be inputted into cells. I have
    > created drop down lists in the cells to only allow certain information
    > to be inputted. I would like to do a couple things but can't figure
    > out how or even how to look it up in help. I would like to:
    > Allow user to use a drop down list and pick the appropriate entry, then
    > have another drop down list in the adjacent cell that only contains
    > items that correspond to what the first drop down entry was (i.e.
    > company name in first drop down box, adjacent cell drop down list only
    > contains parts made for that company). Then I would like the next
    > column to contain the pricing of the item that was chosen in the
    > previous cell's drop down box. Ideally, this cell would be populated
    > automatically depending on the part chosen for the company. I am
    > trying to create a log of parts shipped and total amount shipped.
    > Hopefully this wasn't too confusing! Any help would be greatly
    > appreciated. Thanks!!!
    > --
    > Intuit
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Intuit's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30901
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=507298

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date

    I think I understand it

    Great! I think that example will help. I think I understand what you put in, but can I have my 3 column table on another worksheet within the same workbook?

  5. #5

    Re: Limit drop down list and linking to other info

    >can I have my 3 column table on another worksheet
    >within the same workbook?

    Yes, but that will require some changes.

    Assume the lookup table is on Sheet2.

    A1, B1 and C1 are the column headers.

    The actual table data is in the range A2:C20.

    Goto Insert>Name>Define
    Names in workbook: Parts (or whatever you want to call it but Parts seems
    self explanatory to me!)
    Refers to:


    OK out

    Then select cell B2 on Sheet1 (the dependent drop down)
    Goto Data>Validation
    In the Source box, delete the formula that is currently entered and replace
    it with this:


    OK out

    This is all necessary because Excel doesn't "like" it when you use
    validation that is located on a different sheet!


    "Intuit" <Intuit.22kj5o_1138827305.6609@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:Intuit.22kj5o_1138827305.6609@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > Great! I think that example will help. I think I understand what you
    > put in, but can I have my 3 column table on another worksheet within
    > the same workbook?
    > --
    > Intuit
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Intuit's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30901
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=507298

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date

    One more challenge

    That worked great! Thanks! However, I have something even more challenging now. Some part names don't have part numbers and vice versa. Some also have both. How would I tweak these formulas so that if there is a part number and name, all I have to do is pull down the drop down list and pick the part number and the part name automatically appears in the next column along with the price in the next column after that. If there is no part number, than I would like to be able to go to the next column and pick a part number and then the price be automatically entered in. The drop down list in the part name column would once again need to be populated only with parts pertaining to that company. I know this is alot of info I'm asking for and probably pretty confusing as well. I have learned alot already, but it seems like once one obstacle is completed, another pops up. Thanks in advance for all your help.

  7. #7
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Some figured out, but cant get your formula to transfer

    Quote Originally Posted by Intuit
    That worked great! Thanks! However, I have something even more challenging now. Some part names don't have part numbers and vice versa. Some also have both. How would I tweak these formulas so that if there is a part number and name, all I have to do is pull down the drop down list and pick the part number and the part name automatically appears in the next column along with the price in the next column after that. If there is no part number, than I would like to be able to go to the next column and pick a part number and then the price be automatically entered in. The drop down list in the part name column would once again need to be populated only with parts pertaining to that company. I know this is alot of info I'm asking for and probably pretty confusing as well. I have learned alot already, but it seems like once one obstacle is completed, another pops up. Thanks in advance for all your help.
    Well I figured out a way around my dillema above, however, I'm still having one small problem. I can't get my drop down list to change correctly with cells below the first row. The formula you showed me worked great for the first row, but when I try and use it on the cell below it, the drop down list has some of the correct parts on it, and some from other companies??? Any idea why? Also, what did the -1 and 1 part of the formula you type mean?

  8. #8

    Re: Limit drop down list and linking to other info

    Ok, I'm not really following you on this!

    So, it sounds like you have 4 data elements:

    1. company name
    2. part name
    3. part number
    4. price

    If you have the company name and the part name but do not have that part
    names part number, where do you get that part number?

    Can you post a sample file that shows how this should work and what it looks


    "Intuit" <Intuit.22lwp2_1138891559.9594@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
    message news:Intuit.22lwp2_1138891559.9594@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > Biff,
    > That worked great! Thanks! However, I have something even more
    > challenging now. Some part names don't have part numbers and vice
    > versa. Some also have both. How would I tweak these formulas so that
    > if there is a part number and name, all I have to do is pull down the
    > drop down list and pick the part number and the part name automatically
    > appears in the next column along with the price in the next column after
    > that. If there is no part number, than I would like to be able to go to
    > the next column and pick a part number and then the price be
    > automatically entered in. The drop down list in the part name column
    > would once again need to be populated only with parts pertaining to
    > that company. I know this is alot of info I'm asking for and probably
    > pretty confusing as well. I have learned alot already, but it seems
    > like once one obstacle is completed, another pops up. Thanks in
    > advance for all your help.
    > --
    > Intuit
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Intuit's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30901
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=507298

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