Ok, I'm not really following you on this!
So, it sounds like you have 4 data elements:
1. company name
2. part name
3. part number
4. price
If you have the company name and the part name but do not have that part
names part number, where do you get that part number?
Can you post a sample file that shows how this should work and what it looks
"Intuit" <Intuit.22lwp2_1138891559.9594@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:Intuit.22lwp2_1138891559.9594@excelforum-nospam.com...
> Biff,
> That worked great! Thanks! However, I have something even more
> challenging now. Some part names don't have part numbers and vice
> versa. Some also have both. How would I tweak these formulas so that
> if there is a part number and name, all I have to do is pull down the
> drop down list and pick the part number and the part name automatically
> appears in the next column along with the price in the next column after
> that. If there is no part number, than I would like to be able to go to
> the next column and pick a part number and then the price be
> automatically entered in. The drop down list in the part name column
> would once again need to be populated only with parts pertaining to
> that company. I know this is alot of info I'm asking for and probably
> pretty confusing as well. I have learned alot already, but it seems
> like once one obstacle is completed, another pops up. Thanks in
> advance for all your help.
> --
> Intuit
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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