I have a workbook in which one sheet contains various columns of data that
are being pulled in from other sheets using the INDEX / MATCH function. One
column includes a list of identifiers for particular companies and the other
columns pull in data for the identifier in that particular row. The data
includes the names of various companies and different financial statistics
for each company. When I use AutoFilter to sort a particular column, it
correctly sorts the first row (i.e., the appropriate company appears at the
top of the worksheet) but the corresponding data is not correct because the
INDEX / MATCH function for a particular column is linked the identifier in
the row where the correctly sorted company used to be. If I'm not explaining
this well enough, please let me know.
I guess my question is: does using AutoFilter create problems when you are
sorting data that is being pulled in from other workeets, or should it not
make a difference? Several things are quite strange about the situation. 1)
It worked last week when I tried to sort 2) the columns where I just use a
MATCH formula work fine. Not quite sure what is happening, so I would greatly
appreciate any feedback! Also, please let me know if I'm not being specific
enough. Thank you!