You've got a couple of other threads going elsewhere.

cbanks wrote:
> Here is what I need to happen... Below is my spreadsheet.. i am trying to
> keep a report that pulls information from this spreadsheet and updates each
> day with that current days numbers... So on a seperate sheet I want it to
> list the current days numbers for that cell.. If the date is 01/02/06 then i
> want the region 1 total errors for that day.. I was thinking something like
> this.
> =LOOKUP(Auto!today(),Auto!A:A,Auto!C:C) but that only pulls 1 criteria and
> is not working.. i need 2 criteria, date and region. Thanks
> A B C
> Date Region Total Errors
> 1/2/2006 Region 1 0
> Region 2 683
> Region 3 0
> Region 4 0
> Region 5 376
> Region 6 569
> Region 8 0
> Region 9 145


Dave Peterson