Both of you are steely-eyed Excel Heroes.
To answer the question about from Mr. Shorty --"You didn't say what to do
with values between 10 and 100, so I left those to be formatted as "xx MHz"
but you could add another condition to do something different with those
values." --
Most of the systems I catalog, the hardware is 450MHz to 1200Mhz multi-CPU
systems. Commonplace numbers being 450Mhz. The multi-CPU 1200MHz are
reported as 1.2GHz systems (hand-rounding); hence, the reason for the chasm
of 10 to 100.
I could have actually said 450, but get nipped when a 400MHz system could
appear at a field site. (Murphy’s Law). By the way gentleman, this will
also work when reporting MByte systems and GByte systems for "hard-storage"
and RAM capacity.
Again, my thanks.

"Art" wrote:

> Wow -- I was hoping someone knew an easy way to this. I didn't know that you
> could put those sorts of conditions in a format!
> Art
> "MrShorty" wrote:
> >
> > Something like this: [<10]0.0" GHz";0" MHz" will display any number <10
> > as "x.x GHz" and anything >10 will be displayed as "xxx MHz"
> >
> > You didn't say what to do with values between 10 and 100, so I left
> > those to be formatted as "xx MHz" but you could add another condition
> > to do something different with those values.
> >
> > This works for a limited number of categories (up to three or four, I
> > think). Play around with it and see if it helps.
> >
> >
> > --
> > MrShorty
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