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Format a cell with a custom number format

  1. #1

    Format a cell with a custom number format

    I would like to type in a number and if the number meets a certain criteria,
    return that number with a unit identifier.

    I.E. a number "A1<= 9.9" returns "value for A1GHz" and if "A1>=100, A1<=999"
    returns "value for A1MHz"

    I would to type a single place, decimal digit under 10 and get that value
    with the unit identifier "GHz". By the same token, if the number is greater
    100, but less than 999, show the value with the identifier "MHz".

    Thank You

  2. #2

    RE: Format a cell with a custom number format


    This may not be the sort of thing you're looking for, but I think it works.
    Hopefully there's a simpler solution that someone else can offer -- but I
    don't know what it might be.

    You've got to write a macro, or actually just paste this one into your

    First the macro:
    Option Explicit

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Static Skip As Boolean
    If Not Skip Then
    'If Skip is true, the routine will not run.
    'This is used to prevent the routine from causing
    'itself to run.
    Skip = False

    'Check for valid conditions
    If Target.Rows.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Columns.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Target = "" Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Row > 5 Or Target.Row < 2 Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub
    If Not IsNumeric(Target) Then Exit Sub

    If Target <> Round(Target, 1) Then
    MsgBox ("You have too many digits after the decimal")
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'Do the actual conversion
    Skip = True
    If Target <= 9.9 And Target > 0 Then
    Target = CStr(Target) & "GHz"
    ElseIf Target >= 100 And Target <= 999 Then
    Target = CStr(Target) & "MHz"
    'A final invalid condition with regard to the range.
    MsgBox (Target & " is an invalid value")
    End If
    End If
    Skip = False
    End Sub

    Now, what do you do with it.

    Open the Visual Basic Editor -- either through Tools, Macros or by hitting

    When you do that you should see a whole bunch of stuff. On the left you'll
    see a tree of workbooks, worksheets and some other stuff. Find your workbook
    and worksheet.

    Double Click your sheet and you should see a blank panel in the center.
    Paste the macro there.

    The macro will respond to any changes in values on that particular sheet
    only. I've put some stuff in there so that you can isolate a range of cells
    that should be affected. In my example you can enter you values only in rows
    2-5 and column B.

    Good luck. I won't be offended if this is not the sort of thing that you
    want to use.


    "Armor" wrote:

    > I would like to type in a number and if the number meets a certain criteria,
    > return that number with a unit identifier.
    > I.E. a number "A1<= 9.9" returns "value for A1GHz" and if "A1>=100, A1<=999"
    > returns "value for A1MHz"
    > I would to type a single place, decimal digit under 10 and get that value
    > with the unit identifier "GHz". By the same token, if the number is greater
    > 100, but less than 999, show the value with the identifier "MHz".
    > Thank You

  3. #3
    Forum Guru
    Join Date
    North America
    MS-Off Ver
    2002/XP, 2007, 2024
    Something like this: [<10]0.0" GHz";0" MHz" will display any number <10 as "x.x GHz" and anything >10 will be displayed as "xxx MHz"

    You didn't say what to do with values between 10 and 100, so I left those to be formatted as "xx MHz" but you could add another condition to do something different with those values.

    This works for a limited number of categories (up to three or four, I think). Play around with it and see if it helps.

  4. #4

    Re: Format a cell with a custom number format

    Wow -- I was hoping someone knew an easy way to this. I didn't know that you
    could put those sorts of conditions in a format!


    "MrShorty" wrote:

    > Something like this: [<10]0.0" GHz";0" MHz" will display any number <10
    > as "x.x GHz" and anything >10 will be displayed as "xxx MHz"
    > You didn't say what to do with values between 10 and 100, so I left
    > those to be formatted as "xx MHz" but you could add another condition
    > to do something different with those values.
    > This works for a limited number of categories (up to three or four, I
    > think). Play around with it and see if it helps.
    > --
    > MrShorty
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > MrShorty's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=22181
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=505421

  5. #5

    Re: Format a cell with a custom number format

    Both of you are steely-eyed Excel Heroes.
    To answer the question about from Mr. Shorty --"You didn't say what to do
    with values between 10 and 100, so I left those to be formatted as "xx MHz"
    but you could add another condition to do something different with those
    values." --
    Most of the systems I catalog, the hardware is 450MHz to 1200Mhz multi-CPU
    systems. Commonplace numbers being 450Mhz. The multi-CPU 1200MHz are
    reported as 1.2GHz systems (hand-rounding); hence, the reason for the chasm
    of 10 to 100.
    I could have actually said 450, but get nipped when a 400MHz system could
    appear at a field site. (Murphy’s Law). By the way gentleman, this will
    also work when reporting MByte systems and GByte systems for "hard-storage"
    and RAM capacity.
    Again, my thanks.

    "Art" wrote:

    > Wow -- I was hoping someone knew an easy way to this. I didn't know that you
    > could put those sorts of conditions in a format!
    > Art
    > "MrShorty" wrote:
    > >
    > > Something like this: [<10]0.0" GHz";0" MHz" will display any number <10
    > > as "x.x GHz" and anything >10 will be displayed as "xxx MHz"
    > >
    > > You didn't say what to do with values between 10 and 100, so I left
    > > those to be formatted as "xx MHz" but you could add another condition
    > > to do something different with those values.
    > >
    > > This works for a limited number of categories (up to three or four, I
    > > think). Play around with it and see if it helps.
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > MrShorty
    > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > MrShorty's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=22181
    > > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=505421
    > >
    > >

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