Please ignore this post. I figured out the code I need.

"hshayh0rn" wrote:

> I have a piviot table that I inherited and to be honest I'm not very Excel
> savy just yet. I have a sheet within the workbook that I need to run a macro
> on but when I run the macro the entire workbook recalculates each time a
> value on this one sheet is changed and this worksheet could possibly have
> 1000+ cells that need to be changed. This causes a HUGE slowdown of this
> macro. Here is the code that I "think" might be causing me the issue. I need
> to somehow exclude this one worksheet from the automatic reclaulation that
> the workbook is doing. I do not want to turn the auto-calculation for this
> workoff off.
> Sub ClearNoDataItems()
> Dim pt As PivotTable
> Dim PF As PivotField
> Dim PI As PivotItem
> Dim PItems As PivotItems
> 'Set pt = Selection.PivotTables(1)
> For Each pt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables
> pt.RefreshTable
> For Each PF In pt.PivotFields
> Set PItems = PF.PivotItems
> For Each PI In PItems
> If PI.RecordCount = 0 And PI.Name <> "(blank)" Then
> PI.Delete
> Else
> End If
> Next PI
> Next PF
> Next pt
> End Sub
> Any ideas?