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When using Autofilter on Excel, how do I ignore 1st 1 or 2 rows

  1. #1
    John Driscoll

    When using Autofilter on Excel, how do I ignore 1st 1 or 2 rows

    I want to use Auto filter to display certain categories of data, but ingonre
    the first row beneath the Headings. Also can I display totals for each view
    of Auto filter I choose? ie where the list of deals displayed varies the
    total profit etc will also vary. At the moment all I get is the full totals

    Apolagies if this is a bit basic but have recently started own business and
    am finding difficulty innot havinf instant access to greater jnowledge then
    my own!

  2. #2

    Re: When using Autofilter on Excel, how do I ignore 1st 1 or 2 rows

    Although it might seem more natural to put totals at the bottom of a
    list, I find it better to put them ABOVE the headings - that way, you
    can always see them when filters are selected. To do this, highlight
    the row containing headings and click Insert | Rows. You can then
    highlight the row with the totals in and cut/paste it to the row you
    have just inserted. To have the totals show only the total of the
    displayed items you should use the formula =SUBTOTALS(9,your_range)
    instead of =SUM(your_range) - instead of retypeing these, you can
    highlight your total row, then CTRL-H (Find & Replace) andy type SUM(
    in the box to find and SUBTOTAL(9, in the box to replace.

    Hope this helps,


  3. #3

    Re: When using Autofilter on Excel, how do I ignore 1st 1 or 2 rows

    To follow up, John emailed me directly asking how to treat
    =COUNTA(D3:D29) and =AVERAGE(H3:H29) in a similar way.

    There are a number of functions that can be used with SUBTOTAL(x,range)
    - some of the common values of x are:

    1 - AVERAGE
    2 - COUNT
    3 - COUNTA
    4 - MAX
    5 - MIN

    9 - SUM

    You can use Help - SUBTOTAL_worksheet_function to find the other


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