I tried your suggest and it does the provide the correct data validation;
however, I was hoping that cell $D4 would actually display the appropriate
drop-down list for user to choose from. I believe I can combine your
suggestion with a procedure for using Dynamic lists that I found out on the
Contextures web site. Thank you for your help.
"Bob Phillips" wrote:
> Rick,
> Try this formula in the List Allow type in DV
> =IF(B4=1,ROW(1:255),IF(B4=2,listA,listB))
> assuming that the two lists are named, else use the range references.
> --
> Bob Phillips
> (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
> "RickS" <> wrote in message
> > I'm trying to create a conditional data validation for a cell ($D4) based
> on
> > the entry in cell ($B4). There are three possible entries for cell $B4.
> > I've created a named list for $B4 and based on the entry I want three
> > different conditional data validation types for cell $D4:
> >
> > 1. Allow a range of numbers (1 to 255)
> > 2. Drop-down list A
> > 3. Drop-down list B
> >
> > I'm fairly proficient with Excel; however, I'm a very novice VBA
> programmer.
> >
> > Do you have any suggestions on the above situation?
> >
> > Rick
> >