I think I'm losing my mind....
This is how the data SHOULD look.
Column C is the duration of the project in days. Column D is the project start date. Column E is the project end date.
In Column D I'm using the formula =IF(logical test,value if true,value if false). As example, in D4 I'm using the formula =IF(C3="0",E3+0,E3+1).
In my limited understanding, this is supposed to mean that if C3 is a 0, then D4 will report 10/29/2005, BUT if C3 is a number other than 0, then D4 will report 10/30/2005.
Here is the issue: the formula =IF(C3="0",E3+0,E3+1) is ignoring the E3+0 part - it ALWAYS adds 1 day to the duration,even when the C3=0. Also, I tried flipping the true-false values by using =IF(C3="0",E3+1,E3+0). In that case it ALWAYS adds 0 days to the duration, even when the value is something other than 0.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I know it must be my misunderstanding how this formula is supposed to work.