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Format & formula retained

  1. #1

    Format & formula retained

    I have some formattings and formulas on cells of each row and I have an open
    spreadsheet that can be updated by a few peoples. If someone wants to add
    rows, how can the formats and formulas be retained automatically. Your
    guidance is appreciated.



  2. #2

    RE: Format & formula retained

    Hi Ray............
    What I do is to have a hidden row at the top of my sheet with the proper
    formats and formulas in the respective cells............then, in my visible
    header, I have a pushbutton marked "FORMAT" which fires a macro that goes and
    gets the hidden row and inserts it in the next blank row at the bottom of the
    sheet........the macro even increments an item number in column A for me.

    Vaya con Dios,
    Chuck, CABGx3

    "Ray" wrote:

    > I have some formattings and formulas on cells of each row and I have an open
    > spreadsheet that can be updated by a few peoples. If someone wants to add
    > rows, how can the formats and formulas be retained automatically. Your
    > guidance is appreciated.
    > Thanks,
    > Ray

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