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Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

  1. #1
    Rhapsody 1234

    Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    I work with DNA and would like to assign numerical values to the bases. i.e.
    A = 32 etc.
    Ideally, I just want to past a DNA sequence into Excel, e.g. ATGCCA and then
    have a numerical display of the value obtained if these are summed. e.g. if
    A=32, AA=64, AAA=96 etc.

    Any way I can do this?

  2. #2
    Ron Coderre

    RE: Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    Try this:
    For a DNA sequence in Cell A1

    Does that help?


    "Rhapsody 1234" wrote:

    > I work with DNA and would like to assign numerical values to the bases. i.e.
    > A = 32 etc.
    > Ideally, I just want to past a DNA sequence into Excel, e.g. ATGCCA and then
    > have a numerical display of the value obtained if these are summed. e.g. if
    > A=32, AA=64, AAA=96 etc.
    > Any way I can do this?
    > Thanks!

  3. #3
    John Michl

    Re: Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    Very cool, Ron.

  4. #4
    Richard Buttrey

    Re: Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 05:52:01 -0800, "Rhapsody 1234" <Rhapsody
    1234@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:

    >I work with DNA and would like to assign numerical values to the bases. i.e.
    >A = 32 etc.
    >Ideally, I just want to past a DNA sequence into Excel, e.g. ATGCCA and then
    >have a numerical display of the value obtained if these are summed. e.g. if
    >A=32, AA=64, AAA=96 etc.
    >Any way I can do this?

    Just as a matter of interest, what are the values that you want to
    apply to A,C,G & T?

    Aren't the ASCII code sums going to be non unique.
    i.e CCCCCC & AAAAGG both sum to 204

    In which case aren't you going to find problems with any numerical


    Richard Buttrey

  5. #5
    Richard Buttrey

    Re: Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    That's quite brilliant.

    Would you mind explaining (in English) how this sumproduct is working

    I thought sumproduct needed at least a couple of arrays, but this only
    appears to have one.


    On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 06:10:03 -0800, "Ron Coderre"
    <ronSKIPTHIScoderre@bigfoot.com> wrote:

    >Try this:
    >For a DNA sequence in Cell A1
    >Does that help?
    >"Rhapsody 1234" wrote:
    >> I work with DNA and would like to assign numerical values to the bases. i.e.
    >> A = 32 etc.
    >> Ideally, I just want to past a DNA sequence into Excel, e.g. ATGCCA and then
    >> have a numerical display of the value obtained if these are summed. e.g. if
    >> A=32, AA=64, AAA=96 etc.
    >> Any way I can do this?
    >> Thanks!

    Richard Buttrey

  6. #6
    Ron Coderre

    Re: Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    Thanks, but....I'm really only letting Excel do its job.

    Here's the explanation (Kinda long though...I figured maybe too much info is
    better than not enough, in this case):


    I want the ASCII code for each letter in the string. To do that, I need to
    create a array that contains each of those letters. The MID function can
    extract subsets of strings.

    =MID("MYWORD",2,1) extracts a 1-letter string from MYWORD, beginning with
    the 2nd character. It returns "Y"

    If I knew that the string was ALWAYS going to be 6 characters, I could
    create the array by using: =MID("MYWORD",{1,2,3,4,5,6},1)
    That would return {"M","Y","W","O","R","D"}

    I could also write that formula as: =MID("MYWORD",ROW(1:6),1)
    Note: the ROW(1:6) Returns the array of row numbers associated with rows

    But, since I don't know how long the text will be, I need to create a
    dynamic array of numbers from 1 to ???, that is driven by the string length.
    Consequently, I used the INDIRECT function...which tries to convert its
    contents into any kind of Excel range reference.

    So if A1 contains "MYWORD", ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))) creates a string
    "1:6", which INDIRECT converts to references to those rows (1:6), for which
    the ROW function returns the array of row numbers: {1,2,3,4,5,6}

    This formula: MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1) returns the array of

    I use the UPPER function to bring consistency to the array:
    the code for "A" is 32, but the code for "a" is 95! Which brings us to the
    CODE function, which returns the ASCII code for a given letter.

    The codes for MYWORD are {77;89;87;79;82;68}
    The OP indicated that A should equate to 32, but the code for A is 65. So I
    had to subtract 33 from it to get to 32. The new array is:

    Last, the SUMPRODUCT returns the sum of the values in that array: 284

    I hope that helps


    "Richard Buttrey" wrote:

    > That's quite brilliant.
    > Would you mind explaining (in English) how this sumproduct is working
    > please.
    > I thought sumproduct needed at least a couple of arrays, but this only
    > appears to have one.
    > Rgds
    > On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 06:10:03 -0800, "Ron Coderre"
    > <ronSKIPTHIScoderre@bigfoot.com> wrote:
    > >Try this:
    > >For a DNA sequence in Cell A1
    > >
    > >Does that help?
    > >
    > >***********
    > >Regards,
    > >Ron
    > >
    > >
    > >"Rhapsody 1234" wrote:
    > >
    > >> I work with DNA and would like to assign numerical values to the bases. i.e.
    > >> A = 32 etc.
    > >> Ideally, I just want to past a DNA sequence into Excel, e.g. ATGCCA and then
    > >> have a numerical display of the value obtained if these are summed. e.g. if
    > >> A=32, AA=64, AAA=96 etc.
    > >>
    > >> Any way I can do this?
    > >> Thanks!

    > Richard Buttrey
    > __

  7. #7
    Peo Sjoblom

    Re: Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    It's a known technique used in many ways, here's another from
    Bob Phillips basically using the same technique to get something else




    Peo Sjoblom

    "Richard Buttrey" <chaos.theory.nospam.removethis@zen.co.uk> wrote in
    message news:6f7jp1h0hhvl51sc01urcpvp9e20pn14qr@4ax.com...
    > That's quite brilliant.
    > Would you mind explaining (in English) how this sumproduct is working
    > please.
    > I thought sumproduct needed at least a couple of arrays, but this only
    > appears to have one.
    > Rgds
    > On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 06:10:03 -0800, "Ron Coderre"
    > <ronSKIPTHIScoderre@bigfoot.com> wrote:
    > >Try this:
    > >For a DNA sequence in Cell A1
    > >
    > >Does that help?
    > >
    > >***********
    > >Regards,
    > >Ron
    > >
    > >
    > >"Rhapsody 1234" wrote:
    > >
    > >> I work with DNA and would like to assign numerical values to the bases.

    > >> A = 32 etc.
    > >> Ideally, I just want to past a DNA sequence into Excel, e.g. ATGCCA and

    > >> have a numerical display of the value obtained if these are summed.

    e.g. if
    > >> A=32, AA=64, AAA=96 etc.
    > >>
    > >> Any way I can do this?
    > >> Thanks!

    > Richard Buttrey
    > __

  8. #8

    Re: Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    Why do you use SUMPRODUCT instead of SUM?

    "Ron Coderre" wrote:

    > Thanks, but....I'm really only letting Excel do its job.
    > Here's the explanation (Kinda long though...I figured maybe too much info is
    > better than not enough, in this case):
    > I want the ASCII code for each letter in the string. To do that, I need to
    > create a array that contains each of those letters. The MID function can
    > extract subsets of strings.
    > =MID("MYWORD",2,1) extracts a 1-letter string from MYWORD, beginning with
    > the 2nd character. It returns "Y"
    > If I knew that the string was ALWAYS going to be 6 characters, I could
    > create the array by using: =MID("MYWORD",{1,2,3,4,5,6},1)
    > That would return {"M","Y","W","O","R","D"}
    > I could also write that formula as: =MID("MYWORD",ROW(1:6),1)
    > Note: the ROW(1:6) Returns the array of row numbers associated with rows
    > 1:6....{1,2,3,4,5,6}
    > But, since I don't know how long the text will be, I need to create a
    > dynamic array of numbers from 1 to ???, that is driven by the string length.
    > Consequently, I used the INDIRECT function...which tries to convert its
    > contents into any kind of Excel range reference.
    > So if A1 contains "MYWORD", ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))) creates a string
    > "1:6", which INDIRECT converts to references to those rows (1:6), for which
    > the ROW function returns the array of row numbers: {1,2,3,4,5,6}
    > This formula: MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1) returns the array of
    > letters.
    > I use the UPPER function to bring consistency to the array:
    > the code for "A" is 32, but the code for "a" is 95! Which brings us to the
    > CODE function, which returns the ASCII code for a given letter.
    > The codes for MYWORD are {77;89;87;79;82;68}
    > The OP indicated that A should equate to 32, but the code for A is 65. So I
    > had to subtract 33 from it to get to 32. The new array is:
    > {44;56;54;46;49;35}
    > Last, the SUMPRODUCT returns the sum of the values in that array: 284
    > I hope that helps
    > ***********
    > Regards,
    > Ron
    > "Richard Buttrey" wrote:
    > > That's quite brilliant.
    > >
    > > Would you mind explaining (in English) how this sumproduct is working
    > > please.
    > >
    > > I thought sumproduct needed at least a couple of arrays, but this only
    > > appears to have one.
    > >
    > > Rgds
    > >
    > >
    > > On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 06:10:03 -0800, "Ron Coderre"
    > > <ronSKIPTHIScoderre@bigfoot.com> wrote:
    > >
    > > >Try this:
    > > >For a DNA sequence in Cell A1
    > > >B1: =SUMPRODUCT(CODE(UPPER(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1)))-33)
    > > >
    > > >Does that help?
    > > >
    > > >***********
    > > >Regards,
    > > >Ron
    > > >
    > > >
    > > >"Rhapsody 1234" wrote:
    > > >
    > > >> I work with DNA and would like to assign numerical values to the bases. i.e.
    > > >> A = 32 etc.
    > > >> Ideally, I just want to past a DNA sequence into Excel, e.g. ATGCCA and then
    > > >> have a numerical display of the value obtained if these are summed. e.g. if
    > > >> A=32, AA=64, AAA=96 etc.
    > > >>
    > > >> Any way I can do this?
    > > >> Thanks!

    > >
    > > Richard Buttrey
    > > __
    > >

  9. #9
    Ron Coderre

    Re: Convert letters into numbers. i.e. ABCD = 52

    Actually, you CAN use the SUM in place of the SUMPRODUCT function.....but
    you'll need to commit the resulting array formula by holding down
    [Ctrl]+[Shift] when you press [Enter].

    My general preference is to use SUMPRODUCT. Particularly, if the workbook
    will be used by others. The reason: If somebody who is inexperienced with
    array formulas edits the array formula....they'll never guess to
    [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Enter]. Invariably, I get the call that the workbook is
    "broken". That problem is avoided by using the SUMPRODUCT function.

    Does that make sense?


    "Sloth" wrote:

    > Why do you use SUMPRODUCT instead of SUM?
    > "Ron Coderre" wrote:
    > > Thanks, but....I'm really only letting Excel do its job.
    > >
    > > Here's the explanation (Kinda long though...I figured maybe too much info is
    > > better than not enough, in this case):
    > >
    > >
    > > I want the ASCII code for each letter in the string. To do that, I need to
    > > create a array that contains each of those letters. The MID function can
    > > extract subsets of strings.
    > >
    > > =MID("MYWORD",2,1) extracts a 1-letter string from MYWORD, beginning with
    > > the 2nd character. It returns "Y"
    > >
    > > If I knew that the string was ALWAYS going to be 6 characters, I could
    > > create the array by using: =MID("MYWORD",{1,2,3,4,5,6},1)
    > > That would return {"M","Y","W","O","R","D"}
    > >
    > > I could also write that formula as: =MID("MYWORD",ROW(1:6),1)
    > > Note: the ROW(1:6) Returns the array of row numbers associated with rows
    > > 1:6....{1,2,3,4,5,6}
    > >
    > > But, since I don't know how long the text will be, I need to create a
    > > dynamic array of numbers from 1 to ???, that is driven by the string length.
    > > Consequently, I used the INDIRECT function...which tries to convert its
    > > contents into any kind of Excel range reference.
    > >
    > > So if A1 contains "MYWORD", ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))) creates a string
    > > "1:6", which INDIRECT converts to references to those rows (1:6), for which
    > > the ROW function returns the array of row numbers: {1,2,3,4,5,6}
    > >
    > > This formula: MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1) returns the array of
    > > letters.
    > >
    > > I use the UPPER function to bring consistency to the array:
    > > the code for "A" is 32, but the code for "a" is 95! Which brings us to the
    > > CODE function, which returns the ASCII code for a given letter.
    > >
    > > The codes for MYWORD are {77;89;87;79;82;68}
    > > The OP indicated that A should equate to 32, but the code for A is 65. So I
    > > had to subtract 33 from it to get to 32. The new array is:
    > > {44;56;54;46;49;35}
    > >
    > > Last, the SUMPRODUCT returns the sum of the values in that array: 284
    > >
    > > I hope that helps
    > >
    > > ***********
    > > Regards,
    > > Ron
    > >
    > >
    > > "Richard Buttrey" wrote:
    > >
    > > > That's quite brilliant.
    > > >
    > > > Would you mind explaining (in English) how this sumproduct is working
    > > > please.
    > > >
    > > > I thought sumproduct needed at least a couple of arrays, but this only
    > > > appears to have one.
    > > >
    > > > Rgds
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > On Fri, 9 Dec 2005 06:10:03 -0800, "Ron Coderre"
    > > > <ronSKIPTHIScoderre@bigfoot.com> wrote:
    > > >
    > > > >Try this:
    > > > >For a DNA sequence in Cell A1
    > > > >B1: =SUMPRODUCT(CODE(UPPER(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1)))-33)
    > > > >
    > > > >Does that help?
    > > > >
    > > > >***********
    > > > >Regards,
    > > > >Ron
    > > > >
    > > > >
    > > > >"Rhapsody 1234" wrote:
    > > > >
    > > > >> I work with DNA and would like to assign numerical values to the bases. i.e.
    > > > >> A = 32 etc.
    > > > >> Ideally, I just want to past a DNA sequence into Excel, e.g. ATGCCA and then
    > > > >> have a numerical display of the value obtained if these are summed. e.g. if
    > > > >> A=32, AA=64, AAA=96 etc.
    > > > >>
    > > > >> Any way I can do this?
    > > > >> Thanks!
    > > >
    > > > Richard Buttrey
    > > > __
    > > >

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