
I have an Excel brain twister for you. I am tryng to find a simple spreadsheet formula to address the scenario found below. Any ideas will be warmly received.

The scenario is this:

-|a..... |b.......|c.............|
1 open| close| required
2 12/1 | 12/5 | 1000
3 12/2 | 12/2 | 5000
4 12/3 | 12/4 | 2000
5 12/4 | 12/4 | 4000

In this case, I want to track what the maximum requirement is at any given time. As long as the item is open, the requirement is in force. Once it is closed, it is no longer necessary.

At the start of 12/1 the maximum requirement was 1000
At the end of 12/1 the maximum requirement was 1000
At the start of 12/2 the maximum requirement was 6000
At end of 12/2 the maximum requirement was 1000
At the start of 12/3 the maximum requirement was 3000
At the end of 12/3 the maximum requirement was 3000
At the start of 12/4 the maximum requirement was 7000
At the end of 12/4 the maximum requirement was 1000

Thus, during this period, the maximum needed was 7000. Is there a simple formula to track this change?

Many Thx