
This can't be done using worksheet formulas.

Any formula would be dynamic in that when an item is closed the formula
would return a value based on the current conditions. A formula has no way
of storing "historical" data. This would require VBA programming. I can't
help with that, sorry!


"tx12345" <tx12345.1zl4q0_1133816404.5425@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:tx12345.1zl4q0_1133816404.5425@excelforum-nospam.com...
> Hi
> I have an Excel brain twister for you. I am tryng to find a simple
> spreadsheet formula to address the scenario found below. Any ideas will
> be warmly received.
> The scenario is this:
> -|a..... |b.......|c.............|
> 1 open| close| required
> 2 12/1 | 12/5 | 1000
> 3 12/2 | 12/2 | 5000
> 4 12/3 | 12/4 | 2000
> 5 12/4 | 12/4 | 4000
> In this case, I want to track what the maximum requirement is at any
> given time. As long as the item is open, the requirement is in force.
> Once it is closed, it is no longer necessary.
> At the start of 12/1 the maximum requirement was 1000
> At the end of 12/1 the maximum requirement was 1000
> At the start of 12/2 the maximum requirement was 6000
> At end of 12/2 the maximum requirement was 1000
> At the start of 12/3 the maximum requirement was 3000
> At the end of 12/3 the maximum requirement was 3000
> At the start of 12/4 the maximum requirement was 7000
> At the end of 12/4 the maximum requirement was 1000
> Thus, during this period, the maximum needed was 7000. Is there a
> simple formula to track this change?
> Many Thx
> --
> tx12345
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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