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This should be easy...

  1. #1

    This should be easy...

    But for some reason I can't get it to work. Here's the spreadsheet
    I've got three columns of data that each describe a single transaction
    during separate stages. I've got another column that I'd like to use
    for determining the most up-to-date stage total. So, I came up with
    the following formula:


    The idea was that if there's a value in columns, A,B, and C, then the
    'total' would read from column C (the most up-to-date), but if no value
    in C, then it would read from one of the other two based on which had
    the more current data. However, I noticed that sometimes my data skips
    a stage, so I may not have info in columns A or B; resulting in no
    value for the total. I've tried the above equation with "OR" instead
    of "AND" as well, but to no avail.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: This should be easy...

    How about =INDEX(A1:C1,1,MAX(IF(ISBLANK(A1:C1),0,COLUMN(A1:C1))))

    as an array formula, so commit with Ctrl-Shift-Enter



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Jerry" <nosoup4yew@yahoo.com> wrote in message
    > But for some reason I can't get it to work. Here's the spreadsheet
    > setup:
    > I've got three columns of data that each describe a single transaction
    > during separate stages. I've got another column that I'd like to use
    > for determining the most up-to-date stage total. So, I came up with
    > the following formula:
    > IF((AND(A1<>0,B1<>0,C1<>0)),C1,(IF(AND(A1<>0,B1<>0),B1,A1)))
    > The idea was that if there's a value in columns, A,B, and C, then the
    > 'total' would read from column C (the most up-to-date), but if no value
    > in C, then it would read from one of the other two based on which had
    > the more current data. However, I noticed that sometimes my data skips
    > a stage, so I may not have info in columns A or B; resulting in no
    > value for the total. I've tried the above equation with "OR" instead
    > of "AND" as well, but to no avail.
    > Any ideas?

  3. #3

    Re: This should be easy...

    Thanks for your reply. I could not get your solution to work for me
    though. Here's a little more info on what I'm looking to do:

    First, the equation I'm using with very limited success:

    The spreadsheet setup:
    A B C D E
    1 Est1 Est2 Act Total
    2 Alpha 5.00 10.00 12.00 12.00
    3 Beta 5.00 11.00 5.00
    4 Gamma 10.00 11.00 -
    5 Delta 10.00 -

    As you can see, the above equation only yields the correct Total in the
    Alpha row because all the fields have a value. In my actual
    spreadsheet there are 3 additional columns between the "Act" and "Rptd"
    that should not be counted in my equation, but if you use an array
    formula, would proabably have to be included. I'm not really familiar
    with arrays, so if you have any advice, I'd really appreciate it.

  4. #4
    Bob Phillips

    Re: This should be easy...


    Here is a variation that caters for the -


    I am not sure what you mean by the extra columns.



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Jerry" <nosoup4yew@yahoo.com> wrote in message
    > Thanks for your reply. I could not get your solution to work for me
    > though. Here's a little more info on what I'm looking to do:
    > First, the equation I'm using with very limited success:
    > =IF((AND(C3<>0,D3<>0,E3<>0)),E3,(IF(AND(C3<>0,D3<>0),D3,C3)))
    > The spreadsheet setup:
    > A B C D E
    > 1 Est1 Est2 Act Total
    > 2 Alpha 5.00 10.00 12.00 12.00
    > 3 Beta 5.00 11.00 5.00
    > 4 Gamma 10.00 11.00 -
    > 5 Delta 10.00 -
    > As you can see, the above equation only yields the correct Total in the
    > Alpha row because all the fields have a value. In my actual
    > spreadsheet there are 3 additional columns between the "Act" and "Rptd"
    > that should not be counted in my equation, but if you use an array
    > formula, would proabably have to be included. I'm not really familiar
    > with arrays, so if you have any advice, I'd really appreciate it.

  5. #5

    Re: This should be easy...

    Why not use the "Large" function
    the following example checks for the "largest" value in a selection:
    =LARGE(B4 D4,1)
    Put a "colon" between B4 and D4 - no spaces. I get a "smiley face" if I
    use a colon.
    This would be for column B thru D in row 4. The "1" is the for the
    largest if you wanted the
    second largest use a 2. Excel has a good help info on this function

    wjohnson's Profile: http://www.hightechtalks.com/m390
    View this thread: http://www.hightechtalks.com/t2297300

  6. #6

    Re: This should be easy...

    Why not use the "Large" function
    the following example checks for the "largest" value in a selection:
    This would be for column B thru D in row 4. The "1" is the for the
    largest if you wanted the
    second largest use a 2. Excel has a good help info on this function

    wjohnson's Profile: http://www.hightechtalks.com/m390
    View this thread: http://www.hightechtalks.com/t2297300

  7. #7
    Bob Phillips

    Re: This should be easy...

    Because he wants the last one in the series, not the biggest



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "wjohnson" <wjohnson.1zeca1@no-mx.forums.yourdomain.com.au> wrote in message
    > Why not use the "Large" function
    > the following example checks for the "largest" value in a selection:
    > =LARGE(B4:D4,1)
    > This would be for column B thru D in row 4. The "1" is the for the
    > largest if you wanted the
    > second largest use a 2. Excel has a good help info on this function
    > --
    > wjohnson
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > wjohnson's Profile: http://www.hightechtalks.com/m390
    > View this thread: http://www.hightechtalks.com/t2297300

  8. #8

    Re: This should be easy...


    Thank you. That worked beautifully. I'm trying to understand the
    equation, but am having trouble deciphering it (I've never used most of
    these functions for anything before). Honestly, I'm not being
    intellectually or google-search/excel-help lazy when I say this, but I
    really don't understand what's going on in the parenthases once you use
    the MAX function.

    Here's my thought process:
    By using INDEX, you're defining, within a range, what row and column
    should be displayed in the cell. So, "Index(B2:D2,1" is say to choose
    the current row in the range B2:D2. That's straightforward.

    So, and this is where I get really cloudy, "Max(IF(Isblank(B2:D2),0" is
    saying if the range B2:D2 is blank, then column equals zero?
    Otherwise, "IF(B2:D2="-",0,COLUMN(B2:D2)-1)," is saying if the range is
    literally a hyphen???, then it's equal to zero, otherwise it equals the
    number of columns in the range minus one??? Also realizing that the
    latter info is included in picking out the MAX value.

    Besides really wanting to understand how this formula and its functions
    work, I wanted to alter it such that I can account for the extra
    columns I mentioned in the previous post. What I meant by extra
    columns is that there are 3 columns that further describe the data
    numerically, but I did not want included in them in the formula for the
    "Total" cell.

    Thanks in advance for any illumination you can offer.


  9. #9
    Bob Phillips

    Re: This should be easy...

    "Ed" <nosoup4yew@yahoo.com> wrote in message
    > Bob,
    > Thank you. That worked beautifully. I'm trying to understand the
    > equation, but am having trouble deciphering it (I've never used most of
    > these functions for anything before). Honestly, I'm not being
    > intellectually or google-search/excel-help lazy when I say this, but I
    > really don't understand what's going on in the parenthases once you use
    > the MAX function.
    > Here's my thought process:
    > By using INDEX, you're defining, within a range, what row and column
    > should be displayed in the cell. So, "Index(B2:D2,1" is say to choose
    > the current row in the range B2:D2. That's straightforward.

    INDEX pulss back the value from a range for a specific row and column. As
    you say, the row number is just 1 as there is only 1,l but we have to
    calculate the column.

    > So, and this is where I get really cloudy, "Max(IF(Isblank(B2:D2),0" is
    > saying if the range B2:D2 is blank, then column equals zero?
    > Otherwise, "IF(B2:D2="-",0,COLUMN(B2:D2)-1)," is saying if the range is
    > literally a hyphen???, then it's equal to zero, otherwise it equals the
    > number of columns in the range minus one??? Also realizing that the
    > latter info is included in picking out the MAX value.

    To find the latest, I am tryning to work out the last (validly) inhabited.
    To find that, I test fro a hyphen, if there is one, I use that column
    number, else I use 0 (0 will never be MAX). It is an array formula, so by
    specifying a range, each cell in that range will be separately evaluated,
    and the results will be returned as an array which MAX works on. So the
    IF(B2:D2="-" tests B2, then C2, then D2 for a hyphen, and if not a hyphen,
    it adds the columne number of B2 *or C2, or D2) to the array, else it adds 0
    to the array.

    Taking your example
    Gamma 10.00 11.00 -
    the formula
    would effectively evaluate as
    which would return an array
    which MAX evaluates to 2, which when passed to
    picks up the second column, i.e. C2

    > Besides really wanting to understand how this formula and its functions
    > work, I wanted to alter it such that I can account for the extra
    > columns I mentioned in the previous post. What I meant by extra
    > columns is that there are 3 columns that further describe the data
    > numerically, but I did not want included in them in the formula for the
    > "Total" cell.

    Just extend the two ranges

  10. #10

    Re: This should be easy...

    Thanks again. I think I'm understanding the logic now.

    The only other problem I'm having though is the "extra columns." Is
    there a way to exclude them from the range? There are times when they
    might have values that would result in an erroneous Total since
    expanding the range of your equation would include them in the Total.
    The purpose of these columns is more for an internal "check," so they
    are necessary.


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