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Dates - Months & Years

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  1. #1

    Dates - Months & Years

    I am looking for a formula or a way to have years & months calculated from a
    starting month and year. Here is what I have.

    Sheet 1 has 2 cells, cell A1 is for picking the starting month (from a drop
    down list) & cell A2 is to pick the starting year (also from a drop down

    Sheet 2 is set up with a 36 month grid in which estimated hours are input.
    What I need it to do is automatically calculate the year (in cell row 1) and
    the month (in cell row 2) based on the selections made on sheet 1. Also, I
    need it to automatically roll to the next higher year when ever the month
    "Jan" comes up (see D1,2). I would like it to display year & month as shown

    (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (1) 2005 2005 2005 2006 and so for a total of 36 months
    (2) Oct Nov Dec Jan

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: Dates - Months & Years

    Add these formula on sheet2

    A1: =Sheet1!A2
    A2: =Sheet1!A1
    B1: =IF(A2="Jan",A1+A1,A1)
    B2: =TEXT(DATE(A1,MONTH(DATEVALUE("01 "&A2&" 2005"))+1,1),"mmm")

    copy B1:B2 across



    (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

    "Rick" <Rick@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > I am looking for a formula or a way to have years & months calculated from

    > starting month and year. Here is what I have.
    > Sheet 1 has 2 cells, cell A1 is for picking the starting month (from a

    > down list) & cell A2 is to pick the starting year (also from a drop down
    > list).
    > Sheet 2 is set up with a 36 month grid in which estimated hours are input.
    > What I need it to do is automatically calculate the year (in cell row 1)

    > the month (in cell row 2) based on the selections made on sheet 1. Also,

    > need it to automatically roll to the next higher year when ever the month
    > "Jan" comes up (see D1,2). I would like it to display year & month as

    > here.
    > (A) (B) (C) (D)
    > (1) 2005 2005 2005 2006 and so for a total of 36 months
    > (2) Oct Nov Dec Jan

  3. #3
    Roger Govier

    Re: Dates - Months & Years

    Hi Rick

    Why not just enter your start date on Sheet1!A1 as 01/11/05 for example (Nov
    Then on Sheet2
    A1=Sheet1!A1 Format>Cells>Number>Custom> yyyy
    B1=DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)+1,1) again formatted as yyyy
    copy across for 35 columns

    A2=A1 but formatted as mmm
    Copy A2 across for 36 columns

    Changing the date in Sheet1!A1 will alter both start year and start month


    Roger Govier

    Rick wrote:
    > I am looking for a formula or a way to have years & months calculated from a
    > starting month and year. Here is what I have.
    > Sheet 1 has 2 cells, cell A1 is for picking the starting month (from a drop
    > down list) & cell A2 is to pick the starting year (also from a drop down
    > list).
    > Sheet 2 is set up with a 36 month grid in which estimated hours are input.
    > What I need it to do is automatically calculate the year (in cell row 1) and
    > the month (in cell row 2) based on the selections made on sheet 1. Also, I
    > need it to automatically roll to the next higher year when ever the month
    > "Jan" comes up (see D1,2). I would like it to display year & month as shown
    > here.
    > (A) (B) (C) (D)
    > (1) 2005 2005 2005 2006 and so for a total of 36 months
    > (2) Oct Nov Dec Jan

  4. #4

    Re: Dates - Months & Years

    Thanks...simple solutions are often the hardest to see.

    "Roger Govier" wrote:

    > Hi Rick
    > Why not just enter your start date on Sheet1!A1 as 01/11/05 for example (Nov
    > 05).
    > Then on Sheet2
    > A1=Sheet1!A1 Format>Cells>Number>Custom> yyyy
    > B1=DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)+1,1) again formatted as yyyy
    > copy across for 35 columns
    > A2=A1 but formatted as mmm
    > Copy A2 across for 36 columns
    > Changing the date in Sheet1!A1 will alter both start year and start month
    > Regards
    > Roger Govier
    > Rick wrote:
    > > I am looking for a formula or a way to have years & months calculated from a
    > > starting month and year. Here is what I have.
    > >
    > > Sheet 1 has 2 cells, cell A1 is for picking the starting month (from a drop
    > > down list) & cell A2 is to pick the starting year (also from a drop down
    > > list).
    > >
    > > Sheet 2 is set up with a 36 month grid in which estimated hours are input.
    > > What I need it to do is automatically calculate the year (in cell row 1) and
    > > the month (in cell row 2) based on the selections made on sheet 1. Also, I
    > > need it to automatically roll to the next higher year when ever the month
    > > "Jan" comes up (see D1,2). I would like it to display year & month as shown
    > > here.
    > >
    > > (A) (B) (C) (D)
    > > (1) 2005 2005 2005 2006 and so for a total of 36 months
    > > (2) Oct Nov Dec Jan
    > >


  5. #5
    Roger Govier

    Re: Dates - Months & Years

    Hi Rick

    If only the "trees" would disappear for me all of the time<g>
    You're very welcome.


    Roger Govier

    Rick wrote:
    > Roger
    > Thanks...simple solutions are often the hardest to see.
    > "Roger Govier" wrote:
    >>Hi Rick
    >>Why not just enter your start date on Sheet1!A1 as 01/11/05 for example (Nov
    >>Then on Sheet2
    >>A1=Sheet1!A1 Format>Cells>Number>Custom> yyyy
    >>B1=DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)+1,1) again formatted as yyyy
    >>copy across for 35 columns
    >>A2=A1 but formatted as mmm
    >>Copy A2 across for 36 columns
    >>Changing the date in Sheet1!A1 will alter both start year and start month
    >>Roger Govier
    >>Rick wrote:
    >>>I am looking for a formula or a way to have years & months calculated from a
    >>>starting month and year. Here is what I have.
    >>>Sheet 1 has 2 cells, cell A1 is for picking the starting month (from a drop
    >>>down list) & cell A2 is to pick the starting year (also from a drop down
    >>>Sheet 2 is set up with a 36 month grid in which estimated hours are input.
    >>>What I need it to do is automatically calculate the year (in cell row 1) and
    >>>the month (in cell row 2) based on the selections made on sheet 1. Also, I
    >>>need it to automatically roll to the next higher year when ever the month
    >>>"Jan" comes up (see D1,2). I would like it to display year & month as shown
    >>> (A) (B) (C) (D)
    >>>(1) 2005 2005 2005 2006 and so for a total of 36 months
    >>>(2) Oct Nov Dec Jan


  6. #6
    Arvi Laanemets

    Re: Dates - Months & Years


    Add a sheet p.e. Months, with a single-column table (Month)
    P.e. into A2 enter the formula
    , format p.e. as Custom "mmmm yyyy", or any other format you'll like the
    month displayed in drop-down. (In my example, the list of months starts with
    pre-previous one - change the constante to modify this)

    Copy the formula down for number of rows, equal to number of months you want
    to have in drop-down displayed.

    Select the range with months, and define it as named range, p.e. as Months.

    On your sheet, format a single cell (p.e. B1) as data validation list with
    , and format this cell in any custom date format you like (p.e. mmmm yyyy,
    or yyyy mmm, etc.)

    On sheet 2, you can use formulas like
    , and
    , to display the year/month n months later as selected in Sheet1!$B$1

    Arvi Laanemets
    ( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

    "Rick" <Rick@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    >I am looking for a formula or a way to have years & months calculated from
    > starting month and year. Here is what I have.
    > Sheet 1 has 2 cells, cell A1 is for picking the starting month (from a
    > drop
    > down list) & cell A2 is to pick the starting year (also from a drop down
    > list).
    > Sheet 2 is set up with a 36 month grid in which estimated hours are input.
    > What I need it to do is automatically calculate the year (in cell row 1)
    > and
    > the month (in cell row 2) based on the selections made on sheet 1. Also,
    > I
    > need it to automatically roll to the next higher year when ever the month
    > "Jan" comes up (see D1,2). I would like it to display year & month as
    > shown
    > here.
    > (A) (B) (C) (D)
    > (1) 2005 2005 2005 2006 and so for a total of 36 months
    > (2) Oct Nov Dec Jan

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