Might be easiest to copy all the value in B, D and F to Sheet 2 A1...end.
Then eliminate the duplicates thus:
Select the range(A1...end), use Data/Filter/Advanced filter
check Unique Records Only and "Copy to another location"
Put in an address to hold the result, [H1], then click OK. When
you're done, you will have the unique records in the new
place. You can delete the original range or not.


"JANA" wrote:

> I have a worksheet that has multiple laobr categories listed on different
> columns and rows in a worksheet. I want to pull each value only once and
> list them in different rows in a different worksheet. See example below. I
> have not been able to find a way to do this - please help!
> Thanks,
> Jana
> A B C D E F
> 1 Name S1 Name S2 Name S4
> 2 Name S2 Name S1 Name T3
> 3 Name S5 Name S3 Name S1
> 4 Name S6 Name S4 Name E2
> 5 Name S7 Name E2 Name S7
> 6 Name S8 Name T1 Name S5
> I want to deliver the data from Worksheet A, columns B, D & F into column H
> in Worksheet B, but only list each value once. I do not need the data in any
> certain order, just need each to only list once & have each on a different
> line.
> Col H
> 1 S1
> 2 S2
> 3 S5
> 4 S6
> 5 S7
> 6 S8
> 7 S3
> 8 S4
> 9 E2
> 10 T1
> 11 T3