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HELP: survey data collection & analysis

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  1. #1

    HELP: survey data collection & analysis

    I need urgent help and am new to Excel. I've got 5 excel surveys which is
    similar to:


    I am using SurveyMonkey.com to do 5 surveys (which are all exactly the
    same), however it's separated for 5 societies. Results can be
    downloaded/exported as CSV files (as you can see in the ExportExamples.zip
    file). So there are 5 of those ExportExamples.zip (above), one for each
    society am surveying. How can I combine the 5 Condensed.csv files so it's
    one big file?

    I need the Condensed in one big file. Then I want to make Excel, or any
    program, to randomly chose 2 winners/users from the combined-list. (It's for
    a draw of 2 winners). Is this possible in Excel, or some other program? How
    can I do this?

    Many thanks

  2. #2

    Re: survey data collection & analysis

    Just some thoughts ..

    > How can I combine the 5 Condensed.csv files so it's one big file?

    Just copy > paste sequentially into a new sheet/book ?

    For the purpose of the draw ..

    Serialise the list by inserting a new col A,
    Enter: 1 and 2 into say, A2:A3
    (assuming the qualifiers' data starts in row2)
    Select A2:A3, and drag to fill down all the way
    (Make a note of the last serial# filled in col A, that's your last

    For the draw you may not need to combine,
    just serialise sequentially from one file to the other,
    then make a note of the final serial# in the last, 5th file
    (if the combined data exceeds 65k rows,
    you can't put it into one sheet anyway)

    > ... I want to make Excel .. to randomly chose
    > 2 winners/users from the combined-list.

    A simple way is to use RANDBETWEEN, and the F9 key

    In a new sheet, put in say, C1: =randbetween(A1,B1)
    Enter the first serial# into A1, the last serial# into B1
    Hold down F9 key to recalc (this simulates "drawing")
    for x seconds, release. The first winner is the number in C1.
    Repeat to draw the second winner.

    Then just go back to your serialised list to flesh out the 2 winners'

    And if your draw rules state that winners are only entitled to one prize,
    just re-draw the 2nd winner if the 2nd number drawn is a duplicate of the
    1st number (this is possible with RANDBETWEEN, albeit remote if the range is
    large), or if the number drawn (a non-duplicate) points to the same winner

    Note that RANDBETWEEN requires the Analysis Toolpak
    to be installed and activated.

    Check the "Analysis Toolpak" box (via Tools > Add-Ins)

    Chip Pearson's page has details on the ATP at:
    xl 97
    Singapore, GMT+8
    "KevinGPO" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > I need urgent help and am new to Excel. I've got 5 excel surveys which is
    > similar to:
    > http://www.surveymonkey.com/ExportEx...rtExamples.zip
    > I am using SurveyMonkey.com to do 5 surveys (which are all exactly the
    > same), however it's separated for 5 societies. Results can be
    > downloaded/exported as CSV files (as you can see in the ExportExamples.zip
    > file). So there are 5 of those ExportExamples.zip (above), one for each
    > society am surveying. How can I combine the 5 Condensed.csv files so it's
    > one big file?
    > I need the Condensed in one big file. Then I want to make Excel, or any
    > program, to randomly chose 2 winners/users from the combined-list. (It's

    > a draw of 2 winners). Is this possible in Excel, or some other program?

    > can I do this?
    > Many thanks
    > Kev

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