
You have OR in the wrong location. Put it inside the second IF:



"dbl" <dbl@tesco.net> wrote in message
> Hi I have the following formula:
> =IF(OR(INDEX(Sheet1!C:C,MATCH(B7,Sheet1!A:A,0))=""),"YES",IF(INDEX(Sheet1!T:T,MATCH(B7,Sheet1!A:A,0),1)={"ATA115115","BBDD101101"},"YES","NO"))
> It works fine until Sheet1!T:T,MATCH(B7 where it finds "BBDD101101" part
> where I need it to input "YES" I only get a "NO"
> If I delete the BBDD101101" part then the formula works fine, so has
> anyone got any idea's to what I am doing wrong? How do I get the
> BBDD101101 to return a "YES"?
> Any help would be very much appreciated.
> Bob