Hi Debi
You could automate it with Advanced Filter instead of Autofilter.
Take a look at Debra Dalgleish's site for information on how to achieve
Roger Govier
Debi wrote:
>Thanks for your suggestion it sounds much less difficult however is there a
>way to automatically do as you suggest so that someone else could simple open
>a worksheet and have the task of already been performed so that all they had
>to do is print the new list that is comprised of all of the "no's" from the
>other worksheet?
>"Roger Govier" wrote:
>>Hi Debi
>>Could you not just use Autofilter.
>>Mark your range of headings, then Data>Filter>Autofilter select the
>>drop down on column D and select NO
>>You will then see a filtered list of just those lines.
>>Copy the block of data and paste to your other sheet.
>>Roger Govier
>>Debi wrote:
>>>Would someone have an example of how I would use vlookup to produce the
>>>outcome from the if statements that are listed below. I want to be able to
>>>check one cell in ever row, row by row intil there are no more entries:
>>>Copy the data in the row from the first worksheet “Today’s Entries”
>>>Where the cell tested true
>>>To a different Worksheet “Outstanding List”
>>>· If in worksheet “Today’s Entries” cell “D5”= YES then
>>>Go to D6
>>>· If in worksheet “Today’s Entries” cell “D5”= NO then
>>>Copy entire row (“Today’s Entries” A5:AB5) then
>>>Go To worksheet “Outstanding List A10”
>>>· If in the worksheet Outstanding List A10=” “ (blank) then
>>>Paste (“today’s Entries” A5:AB5) in Outstanding List A10:AB10 then
>>>· GO TO “Today’s Entries D6 else
>>>· If Outstanding List A11=” “ (blank) then
>>>Paste (“today’s Entries” A5:AB5) in Outstanding List A11:AB11 then
>>>· Go To Today’s Worksheet D6 else
>>>If in worksheet “Today’s Entries” cell “D5” = “ “ (blank) then
>>>· Stop.
>>>The desire is to check an entire worksheet for a No in Column D line by line
>>>if true to copy the entire row associated with the Cell (i.e. D1=NO) to a
>>>completely different separate worksheet if not true to check the next cell
>>>and so on,
>>>When the test in not true go to the next cell to check if it is true and
>>>follow same paths until you the next cell being tested is blank then stop the
>>>When you paste the row from the first worksheet into the second on
>>>the next time you have a row to past the second worksheet
>>>will need to go down the first empty row
>>>Step one cell down from the previous Cell Tested