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Noob question

  1. #1

    Noob question

    Im sure this is a real simple thing to do, but I wasn't able to find
    anything using the forum search. This is probably because i don't
    know what I am trying to do is called.

    Basically, I have two values that are related to each other. Right now
    i have it set up so that one value (A) is a user-entered value and the
    other one (B)is calculated based on the entered value(A). This works
    great, but i would also like to make it so that if i chose, i could
    enter a value for B and A would be calculated based on that. Im
    looking for flexibility so that i don't have to create another
    worksheet with the inverse operation. I want to be able to enter A or B
    and have the other automatically calculated. Other values in the
    worksheet are based on these two values, so they would have to work out

    Sorry for the rookie question, and thanks for any replies!


  2. #2

    RE: Noob question

    i have the same problem before, but I could only solve by introducing another
    2 column

    Say A, B, C,D
    A is the Select which you want
    B is the value you are going to type
    C is Formula C
    D is Formual D

    For C: formula should be =IF(A="C", C=B, function(D))
    For D: formula should be =If(B="D", D=B, function(C))

    Would be great if other could have other suggestion.

    "letmeplay1977" wrote:

    > Im sure this is a real simple thing to do, but I wasn't able to find
    > anything using the forum search. This is probably because i don't
    > know what I am trying to do is called.
    > Basically, I have two values that are related to each other. Right now
    > i have it set up so that one value (A) is a user-entered value and the
    > other one (B)is calculated based on the entered value(A). This works
    > great, but i would also like to make it so that if i chose, i could
    > enter a value for B and A would be calculated based on that. Im
    > looking for flexibility so that i don't have to create another
    > worksheet with the inverse operation. I want to be able to enter A or B
    > and have the other automatically calculated. Other values in the
    > worksheet are based on these two values, so they would have to work out
    > also.
    > Sorry for the rookie question, and thanks for any replies!
    > --
    > letmeplay1977

  3. #3
    Sandy Mann

    Re: Noob question

    A cell cannot contain a user entered value and a formula at te same time. I
    think that you would need an Event Macro. Right-click on the sheet tab and
    try something like:

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Application.EnableEvents = False

    If Target.Address = Range("A1").Address Then
    Cells(1, 2).Value = Target.Value * 2.5
    End If

    If Target.Address = Range("B1").Address Then
    Cells(1, 1).Value = Target.Value / 2.5
    End If

    Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

    Entering a value in A1 or B1 will cause the other cell to calculate

    [email protected]
    Replace@mailinator with @tiscali.co.uk

    "letmeplay1977" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Im sure this is a real simple thing to do, but I wasn't able to find
    > anything using the forum search. This is probably because i don't
    > know what I am trying to do is called.
    > Basically, I have two values that are related to each other. Right now
    > i have it set up so that one value (A) is a user-entered value and the
    > other one (B)is calculated based on the entered value(A). This works
    > great, but i would also like to make it so that if i chose, i could
    > enter a value for B and A would be calculated based on that. Im
    > looking for flexibility so that i don't have to create another
    > worksheet with the inverse operation. I want to be able to enter A or B
    > and have the other automatically calculated. Other values in the
    > worksheet are based on these two values, so they would have to work out
    > also.
    > Sorry for the rookie question, and thanks for any replies!
    > --
    > letmeplay1977

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