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decimal to binary conversion

  1. #1

    decimal to binary conversion

    How do I convert a decimal number >511 to binary?

  2. #2
    David Billigmeier

    RE: decimal to binary conversion

    Excel can't do it unless you implement a user defined function to calculate
    it. You can use the windows calculator to convert, it can handle decimal
    numbers up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615


    "tam" wrote:

    > How do I convert a decimal number >511 to binary?

  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: decimal to binary conversion

    You could break up the value into pieces:


    This'll work until =512^2-1 (or 262,143).

    Then you'd have to break it up more.

    tam wrote:
    > How do I convert a decimal number >511 to binary?


    Dave Peterson

  4. #4
    Ron Rosenfeld

    Re: decimal to binary conversion

    On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 06:23:05 -0700, tam <tam@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:

    >How do I convert a decimal number >511 to binary?

    You can use this little beauty from Harlan Grove:


    Pick your number apart into powers of 512. For numbers from 0 to -1+2^36,



    Or you can use a UDF. Here is a general function to convert any base to any
    other base in the range stated in the UDF; and also handle decimal places:

    Function BaseConvert(Num, FromBase As Integer, _
    ToBase As Integer, Optional DecPlace As Long) _
    As String

    'by Ron Rosenfeld
    'Handles from base 2 to base 62 by differentiating small and capital letters

    Dim LDI As Integer 'Leading Digit Index
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim Temp, Temp2
    Dim Digits()
    Dim r
    Dim DecSep As String

    DecSep = Application.International(xlDecimalSeparator)

    On Error GoTo HANDLER

    If FromBase > 62 Or ToBase > 62 _
    Or FromBase < 2 Or ToBase < 2 Then
    BaseConvert = "Base out of range"
    Exit Function
    End If

    If InStr(1, Num, "E") And FromBase = 10 Then
    Num = CDec(Num)
    End If

    'Convert to Base 10
    LDI = InStr(1, Num, DecSep) - 2
    If LDI = -2 Then LDI = Len(Num) - 1

    j = LDI

    Temp = Replace(Num, DecSep, "")
    For i = 1 To Len(Temp)
    Temp2 = Mid(Temp, i, 1)
    Select Case Temp2
    Case "A" To "Z"
    Temp2 = Asc(Temp2) - 55
    Case "a" To "z"
    Temp2 = Asc(Temp2) - 61
    End Select
    If Temp2 >= FromBase Then
    BaseConvert = "Invalid Digit"
    Exit Function
    End If
    r = CDec(r + Temp2 * FromBase ^ j)
    j = j - 1
    Next i

    If r <> 0 Then LDI = Fix(CDec(Log(r) / Log(ToBase)))
    If r < 1 Then LDI = 0

    ReDim Digits(LDI)

    For i = UBound(Digits) To 0 Step -1
    Digits(i) = Format(Fix(r / ToBase ^ i))
    r = CDbl(r - Digits(i) * ToBase ^ i)
    Select Case Digits(i)
    Case 10 To 35
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 55)
    Case 36 To 62
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 61)
    End Select
    Next i

    Temp = StrReverse(Join(Digits, "")) 'Integer portion
    ReDim Digits(DecPlace)

    If r <> 0 Then
    Digits(0) = DecSep
    For i = 1 To UBound(Digits)
    Digits(i) = Format(Fix(r / ToBase ^ -i))
    r = CDec(r - Digits(i) * ToBase ^ -i)
    Select Case Digits(i)
    Case 10 To 35
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 55)
    Case 36 To 62
    Digits(i) = Chr(Digits(i) + 61)
    End Select
    Next i
    End If

    BaseConvert = Temp & Join(Digits, "")

    Exit Function
    HANDLER: MsgBox ("Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & vbLf & _
    "Number being converted: " & Num)

    End Function


  5. #5
    Bernd Plumhoff

    RE: decimal to binary conversion


    I suggest to use my function longdec2bin() which is able to convert almost
    arbitrary big numbers and fractions.

    See http://www.sulprobil.com/html/longdec2bin__.html

    Example: 2005.75 would be converted to 11111010101.11


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