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How to identify entries in a matrix also present in another list

  1. #1

    How to identify entries in a matrix also present in another list

    I have two matrices of data which have a large number of the same entries. I
    need to be able to identify the number of entries in one matrix which also
    occur within the same column in the other matrix (e.g. how many of the
    entries in column A in one matrix are also in each column of the other
    matrix). At the moment the best I can do is use pivot table to search each
    column in one matrix against each column in the other, which is not ideal in
    that I have about 200 columns in each matrix. It would also be ideal if I
    could identify which were the common elements.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Assuming that each item in the first list occurs only once, but in the second list occurs variable numbers of times and that both lists are in column A
    In column B on the first list, starting with cell B1
    =COUNTIF(Sheet2!A:A,Sheet1!A1) and copy down,

    If you have multiple occurances on both lists, but only want to count the number once on the first list

    and copy down

    Hope this helps

  3. #3

    Re: How to identify entries in a matrix also present in another li

    I needed more clarification of the problem: Each element will only occur
    once in each matrix. I need to know how many elements in column A in Matrix
    1 are in each column in Matrix 2, how many elements in column B in Matrix 1
    are in each column in matrix 2 etc. eg.
    Matrix 1: Matrix 2
    A B C A B C
    1 2 3 3 1 8
    4 5 6 6 7 12
    7 8 9 9 10 5

    I would need it to tell me that Matrix 1 column A had 2 elements in common
    with 2:B
    and none in common with 2:A or 2:C, column 1B had 0, 0, 2, column 1C had 3,0,0

    I would imagine hte output would be a new matrix:

    A 020
    B 002
    C 300

    or something to that effect.

    Any suggestions?

    "flydecoder" wrote:

    > Assuming that each item in the first list occurs only once, but in the
    > second list occurs variable numbers of times and that both lists are in
    > column A
    > In column B on the first list, starting with cell B1
    > =COUNTIF(Sheet2!A:A,Sheet1!A1) and copy down,
    > If you have multiple occurances on both lists, but only want to count
    > the number once on the first list
    > =IF(COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1)>1,"",COUNTIF(Sheet2!A:A,Sheet1!A1))
    > and copy down
    > Hope this helps
    > --
    > flydecoder
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > flydecoder's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=27288
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=468080

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