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Count occurances in range of cells

  1. #1
    Ed Gregory

    Count occurances in range of cells


    I have a range of cells that have multiple values separated by commas. What
    I need to do is count the occurrences of a value in a range of cells.

    Cell: A1
    Value: win2k,winxp,win2003,win98

    Cell: A2
    Value: winxp,win2003

    Cells A3-100
    Value: <same type of format as above>

    I need formula that will get number of occurances of "winxp" in each cell in
    the range. A cell can have multiple values separated by commas and could,
    but shouldn't have duplicate values in cell. I have tried countif with a
    wildcard but that only works if search value is first value in cell.

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    JE McGimpsey

    Re: Count occurances in range of cells

    One way:


    In article <[email protected]>,
    "Ed Gregory" <[email protected]> wrote:

    > Hello,
    > I have a range of cells that have multiple values separated by commas. What
    > I need to do is count the occurrences of a value in a range of cells.
    > Example:
    > Cell: A1
    > Value: win2k,winxp,win2003,win98
    > Cell: A2
    > Value: winxp,win2003
    > Cells A3-100
    > Value: <same type of format as above>
    > I need formula that will get number of occurances of "winxp" in each cell in
    > the range. A cell can have multiple values separated by commas and could,
    > but shouldn't have duplicate values in cell. I have tried countif with a
    > wildcard but that only works if search value is first value in cell.
    > Thank you in advance.

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