Apologies Barb for putting Bob in my reply.

I work next to Bob and he was ridiculing me for getting the rows wrong the
first time and I inadvertently typed his name in my reply thanks. He didn't
know how to fix it himself though!

Just so you know what I am attempting, a similar site appears here:

We need an XML data sheet that contains, what is now 260 different client
details (and rising) so they can be used in the Google maps and I dare say it
would not have been possible without your help.

Thanks again

Country Boy

"Barb Reinhardt" wrote:

> 1) Save a "pristine" copy of your file in case you make an error.
> 2) I assume your document is comma delimited. I also assume that your
> data is in column A. If it's not, modify the suggestions based on the
> column that it's in.
> 3). Select the column with the data that doesn't have the " in it as
> necessary and the select DATA -> TEXT TO COLUMNS -> DELIMITED -> Select ONLY
> comma delimited and FINISH. Keep in mind that if there will be 8 columns of
> data as you've shown it to us.
> 4) For this example, let's say
> A1=101
> B1=1
> C1=The Museum
> D1=Guildhall Square
> E1=Southampton
> F1=Hampshire
> G1=SO24 5BY
> H1=02380 512 6370
> Create a helper column in I1 with "
> Create a helper column in J1 with ","
> In K1, enter the following
> =I1&A1&J1&B1&J1&C1&J1&D1&J1&E1&J1&F1&J1&G1&J1&H1&I1
> When you have what you want, copy and paste the values for column I so that
> you don't lose the data if you delete the preceeding columns.
> Congratulations, you've learned about parsing and concatenation in EXCEL!
> :^D
> "Country Boy" <CountryBoy@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:8B18C66A-C2CF-4D17-941E-66ADCA853370@microsoft.com...
> > Hi
> >
> > I am trying to get the new Google Maps system up and running on a web site
> > and I have been told to prepare the data in the Excel file with inverted
> > commas
> > as in the example below, which gives customer ID, Category name, address,
> > town/city, county, post code and telephone number for the data to be
> > converted to XML and then uploaded into Google.
> >
> > I have a large Excel file prepared before I was given this advice and to
> > individually do this to each entry will be excrutiatingly long and
> > painful.
> > Does anyone know of a formula where I can add " " as in the example below.
> > I
> > have been told this is tab and comma delimited but I have not heard of
> > that
> > before and can't find it on my "save as". I am using MS Excel 2003.
> >
> > "101","1","The Museum","Guildhall Square","Southampton","Hampshire","SO24
> > 5BY","02380 512 6370"
> >
> > --
> > Ta!
> >
> > Country Boy
