1) Save a "pristine" copy of your file in case you make an error.
2) I assume your document is comma delimited. I also assume that your
data is in column A. If it's not, modify the suggestions based on the
column that it's in.
3). Select the column with the data that doesn't have the " in it as
necessary and the select DATA -> TEXT TO COLUMNS -> DELIMITED -> Select ONLY
comma delimited and FINISH. Keep in mind that if there will be 8 columns of
data as you've shown it to us.
4) For this example, let's say

C1=The Museum
D1=Guildhall Square
G1=SO24 5BY
H1=02380 512 6370

Create a helper column in I1 with "
Create a helper column in J1 with ","
In K1, enter the following


When you have what you want, copy and paste the values for column I so that
you don't lose the data if you delete the preceeding columns.

Congratulations, you've learned about parsing and concatenation in EXCEL!

"Country Boy" <CountryBoy@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Hi
> I am trying to get the new Google Maps system up and running on a web site
> and I have been told to prepare the data in the Excel file with inverted
> commas
> as in the example below, which gives customer ID, Category name, address,
> town/city, county, post code and telephone number for the data to be
> converted to XML and then uploaded into Google.
> I have a large Excel file prepared before I was given this advice and to
> individually do this to each entry will be excrutiatingly long and
> painful.
> Does anyone know of a formula where I can add " " as in the example below.
> I
> have been told this is tab and comma delimited but I have not heard of
> that
> before and can't find it on my "save as". I am using MS Excel 2003.
> "101","1","The Museum","Guildhall Square","Southampton","Hampshire","SO24
> 5BY","02380 512 6370"
> --
> Ta!
> Country Boy