I have a spreadsheet that has some cells with no data in them.
Some will never have data, others will as the project progresses.
The pivot table report puts the word (blank) in the report for those cells.
The only solution I have found is to go to each empty cell in the source
data sheet and hit the space bar to force a character into each cell. This
does work but is extremely tedious ( and time consuming). Some other users
(my bosses) of the file add new rows, but are not willing to spend time
fussing around like this.
I tried these two suggested solutions, neither solve the real problem.
1) If I right click the cell and select hide the whole row disappears. I
want the row displayed.
2) In the formatting options menu 'FOR EMPTY CELLS SHOW - _____ " I
checked the box and put various characters in the box. I put the characters
inside quotes, not inside quotes, tried numbers, special characters, just a
blank, any combination I could think of - but the display never changed
from the word (blank) in the pivot table report.
Is there a practical way to change the way these blank cells display in the
Pivot Table.