Try this:
"GBO" <gerry.boily@gov.ab.ca> wrote in message
> Hi there,
> I'm trying to compare from one month to the next if there have been any
> salary changes for an employee. Three columns need to be checked; ID,
> Base Sal, and Ben Sal. Once the VLOOKUP finds the same ID, then it
> checks if the Base Sal has been changed or the Ben Sal has been
> changed. If either has been changed then the field will display
> "Salary Change", if not "No Change". I'm really close but it seems I
> just can't get it to work. Thias is what I have thus far:
> This formual is based on the prvious months info in columns A (ID),B
> (Base Sal), anc C (Ben Sal), and this months info in columns E,F, and
> G.
> Change","Salary Change")
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Gerry