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Adding currency broken in two columns?

  1. #1
    Blue Hornet

    Re: Adding currency broken in two columns?

    =sum (A:A) + sum( B:B) / 100
    should work for the summation

    What do you want to show for cents = 0? You can set up a custom format
    to show nearly anything you want (or nothing). If you say what you
    want it's easier for us to answer.

  2. #2
    Blue Hornet

    Re: Adding currency broken in two columns?

    =sum (A:A) + sum( B:B) / 100
    should work for the summation

    What do you want to show for cents = 0? You can set up a custom format
    to show nearly anything you want (or nothing). If you say what you
    want it's easier for us to answer.

  3. #3
    Blue Hornet

    Re: Adding currency broken in two columns?

    =sum (A:A) + sum( B:B) / 100
    should work for the summation

    What do you want to show for cents = 0? You can set up a custom format
    to show nearly anything you want (or nothing). If you say what you
    want it's easier for us to answer.

  4. #4
    Blue Hornet

    Re: Adding currency broken in two columns?

    =sum (A:A) + sum( B:B) / 100
    should work for the summation

    What do you want to show for cents = 0? You can set up a custom format
    to show nearly anything you want (or nothing). If you say what you
    want it's easier for us to answer.

  5. #5
    Blue Hornet

    Re: Adding currency broken in two columns?

    =sum (A:A) + sum( B:B) / 100
    should work for the summation

    What do you want to show for cents = 0? You can set up a custom format
    to show nearly anything you want (or nothing). If you say what you
    want it's easier for us to answer.

  6. #6

    Adding currency broken in two columns?

    Is there a way to add currency that is broken into a column for dollars and a
    column for cents? How do I format so that if the censt are 00 it won't
    default to 0? - Thanks a million!

  7. #7
    Blue Hornet

    Re: Adding currency broken in two columns?

    =sum (A:A) + sum( B:B) / 100
    should work for the summation

    What do you want to show for cents = 0? You can set up a custom format
    to show nearly anything you want (or nothing). If you say what you
    want it's easier for us to answer.

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