Priority col 4 Bas. start date Basic fin. date
120873 50098553 2 23/01/2004 26/01/2004
120873 50086461 6 01/12/2004 31/12/2004
120873 50166711 3 16/02/2005 22/02/2005
120873 50153765 3 HUDS 01/03/2005 01/03/2005
120873 50170114 1 07/06/2005 09/03/2005
120873 50172335 1 22/06/2005 23/03/2005

Right, thanks for everbodies help so far, but this one has me really stiched


i have used both the above bits of code plus others to interrogate the data
to produce a standard report. Data is to be imported into a spreadsheet
monthly and then analysed on a separate worksheet. I now need to focus on
counting the priority (say 3) with a corrsponding null in col 4 but based
only on the month I want to interrogate, say june. For the above data i
should get 2 events. I don't want the dates to be hardcoded as the data will
change. I had wondered about a drop down list with 1-12 corresponding to the
months and a year one and then the code above could be tweaked to look at the
month/year selected by the user and then 'filter' my data accordingly.

i'll be impressed if this gets cracked.
Regards vipa