hi all,
i have the following formula

=SUMPRODUCT((TABLE1!J2:J5='Summary Results PC'!B13)*(TABLE1!N2:N5))

in effect this is a simple sumif, the reason i'm using sumproduct is
that i am going to expand it to more than one criteria.

my problem lies in the range i am summing (TABLE1!N2:N5), contains text
and error values (first example in cell j5, if i shrink the range to
only look down to cell j4, it works)

i have tried using

'=SUMPRODUCT((TABLE1!J2:J5=='Summary Results

but this gives me the count of number cells in the range, not the
summed range needed.

have googled this for wuite some time and have come up with no solution
- over to the group.

Thanks in advance.