
If I'm understanding correctly, you're trying to compare two columns of
data on one sheet with two columns of data on a separate sheet and
having Excel return "Entered" when Sheet 2 columns match Sheet 1
columns. If that's the case, try this formula in Sheet2!C2 and drag it



GerryK Wrote:
> I cannot get this formula to work:
> In E2 Sheet2 I have:
> =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$B$721,Sheet1!A2:B721)+COUNTIF($E$1:E1,Sheet1!A2:B721)=0,"Entered","")
> On Sheet2 I'd like to check for data from Sheet1 and place "entered"
> in
> column E.
> This formula gives me "entered" all the way down. Sheet2 has data in it
> that
> is exact from Sheet1 plus new data.
> Can someone please advise?
