That will work, just assuming every book title has "The " at the beginning.
If a book title doesn't, for example "Gone with the wind" it will output "
with the wind, The"
David Billigmeier
"Brian Synowiec" wrote:
> How about this:
> Assuming your book names start in A1, and the titles are less than 100
> charecters (increase the 100 in the formula if they are longer);put this in
> B1 and copy down:
> =MID(A1,4,100)&", The"
> Brian
> "Edye" wrote:
> > Excel 2003
> > I have a list of books. About 700 contain a "The" at the beginning. I need
> > to add ", The" (without quotes) to the end of each one of those book titles
> > and remove the "The" at the beginning of the title. I recorded a Macro for
> > it, but each time I use the Macro, it replaces the other cells with the title
> > of the one which I recorded. Thanks!