Here's an approach:
1) Create a copy of the sheet from which you want the currency conversion.
2) In a convenient place in that sheet, put the coversion rate (and name it
3) (Now the hard work) In the new sheet, go to each input cell and change it
so it multiplies the cell in the original sheet by the conversion rate e.g.
for the cell C4 you might insert the formula "=OriginalSheet!C4*ConRate"
4) Test your work by using a ConRate of 1
5) Now, whenever there's a change in the currency values you can update your
Andy Wiggins FCCA
Excel, Access and VBA Consultancy
<> wrote in message
> Hi
> I'm looking to find out if there is a way I convert all my amounts that
> are currently in USD to another currency without having to go through
> each and every cell and calculating the conversion. Specifically I
> would like to convert these amounts into Swedish currency. I tried to
> conversion tool built into Excel but that only really does Euro's and a
> few others, but no Swedish currency. Can anyone help me?