I want to set up a workbook with several values from linked workbooks. I
would like to enter a value in column A and then use that value as the
filename in the rest of the cells that link to the external workbook.
For example:

I want to enter A122 into colum A - and have the cell in column B pick that
value up and link to a cell in an external workbook with that name

Obviously, the following function links correctly to the external file and
returns the correct value:
='G:\Local files\Sample Tracking\[A122.xls]Sample Request'!$E$2

But, I do not want to have to change the syntax in a large number of cells
everytime I add to the list. I only want to enter the value (A122) in the
first cell and have the others retrieve linked values correctly.
In other words, I want a dynamic, external link.

Thanx in advance for any help.